New Years Eve

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     Shaun was waiting outside the hospital shivering with his toy scalpel in hand, needless to say he was very nervous. The sweat on his hands only made him colder as the air would freeze it. You and Shaun have been dating for a while now and your family wanted to meet him. He replayed the conversation in his head.

     'C'mon Shaun, my family really wants to meet you.' You know how anxious he can get.

     'What if they don't like me?' Shaun tries not to show it, but he is always worried about what others think of him.

     'They will! And they are nice I promise! Plus, what's not to love about you?' You do your best to reassure him.

     'I don't really like parties.' Shaun has tried to use every excuse he can.

     'Neither do I, but I'll be there with you, so you won't feel out of place.' You hold his hand lovingly.

     'Okay...' Shaun reluctantly agrees to go.

     'My mom might ask you about kids, and other personal things, you don't have to answer them if you don't want to.' You smile.

     Your car came into view and Shaun started having mixed emotions about the party. The warmth in the car engulfed him as he got inside. "I think I have a cold, looks like we can't go to the party." Shaun put his seatbelt on and avoided your gaze.

      You eyed him suspiciously, "uhu, is it because you waited outside in the cold?" Deciding to play along, a smile crept on your face.

     "Yes. Now you have to call your family and tell them we aren't going." Fireworks went off startling Shaun.

     "You're right, we'll have to stay home and cuddle." You try to hide your smile.

     Shaun smiled at you "yes that would be a better alternative, cuddling is nice."


     You laughed, "Shaun you're adorable but we're still going to the party." 

     His smile disappeared "did you know I was lying about having a cold?" 

     You giggled "yes." The drive to your family's house consisted of you having to constantly reassure Shaun that your family won't hate him.

     Shaun looked in the mirror and adjusted his bow tie before exiting the car. "You know you don't have to wear that, it's not a fancy party." 

     Shaun combed his hair "I know but I want to make a good first impression." 

     You adjusted your shoes and walked over to Shaun. "I don't want you to feel uncomfortable in your own clothes." Shaun looked into your eyes and briefly at your lips, you smiled and gave him a quick kiss. "Don't stress yourself out, and don't forget about your scalpel. I also told them how you don't like hugs or handshakes." Shaun was grateful to have someone like you. "And the little kids like to roast marshmallows outside, we can do that to if you want."

     Both of you stood outside the front door. "Since there is at least 20 people, there will be a lot of noise, if it's too much we can be outside where there's less people and less noise." 

     Shaun held his toy scalpel, "Okay." 

     You knocked on the door and when it opened everyone yelled "Yay they're here!" You introduced Shaun to everyone from your parents to your little nephews. Most of the children were running around and hiding candy from each other. Half of the adults were drinking and reminiscing about old times. 

     One of your cousins pulled you into the kitchen while Shaun was eating. "He's pretty cute, does he have a brother?" 

     You rubbed the back of your neck, "yeah but he's dead." 

     Your cousin gasped "oh my gosh that's so sad, he would have been so cute." 

     You took the drink out of their hand "I think that's enough drinking for you."

     After a while of Shaun getting to know your family and then asking him a lot of questions. You dragged him outside to the bonfire, some of the kids were getting ready to roast marshmallows. Shaun watched you skewer two marshmallows, he got worried when you reached too close to the fire, but you weren't hurt. The golden light the fire gave off glowed beautifully on your skin making Shaun's heart gush. You made s'mores and gave one to Shaun, he thought it was funny how you still manage to make his heart skip a beat when your hands accidentally touch.

     "It's made with love," you said with your mouth full. Shaun smiled and took a bite, he felt warm despite being outside in the cold. Something inside him felt warm and fuzzy. Maybe it was the way you laughed when one of the little kids fell, or the way your eyes glistened when you looked at him, all Shaun knew was that he loved you more than anything in the world.
You went back home around 12:30 and Shaun kept talking about how fun it was being with your family. 

     He was surprised they actually liked him, and some of the little kids kept giving him marshmallows. "You see, you were worried for no reason." 

     Shaun unlocked the door to your house, "your family is very friendly. Thank you for making me go." Shaun kissed your forehead.

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