What have I done....

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It had been three day's since Zane had rejected me. He was quiet and distant while his beautiful icy blue eyes were dark and dull. Did I do this to him?! I resisted taking a step toward my crush but quickly jumped back when I saw something wet on Zane' Gi... It was blue blood... Not just a splatter it was a word 'Robot'

"Z-Zane you're bleeding!" I panicked. My heart was racing as I dashed over to the near by cupboard reaching for the first aid kit.

"Stop it...." Zanes voice was hoarse as if he had been crying.

"B-but!" I argued.

"I know it is vital to me but I can always be repaired. Now stop worrying about someone who doesn't care."

Zane was starting to piss me off but I had to stay calm. "As your leader I order you to shut up and let me help you!"

Zane actually obeyed me!

I carefully removed his shirt with a gasp, I couldn't believe my eyes. Zane had carved horrid names into his skin the nindroids blue blood stained his pale skin. Oh but did it look so soft... My hand rubbed against his back in a loving way.

Zane hissed and jumped off the couch glaring at me. "I said I wasn't human, Cole! My feelings are programmed! My love for you is only fake! My duty is to protect those who can't protect themselves. Nothing more. So back off!"

I was trembling my hand frozen where Zane used to sit. "B-But.... I need you... You protect me."

Zane eyes flickered different colors as he thought about what I just said.

I started to sob I felt stuck. I felt like my world was being torn apart and there was nothing I could do because I felt so small and so weak. I don't deserve anything... My sobs were interrupted as a loud alarm went off.

Zane grabbed me holding me close. "Mission alert..." He said gazing at the screen.

I didn't know it was possible but all of a sudden the color drained from Zanes face.

"Zane What's wrong?" I asked looking up at the screen.

"Th-The O-Overlord..." Zane choked out.

"It's okay..." I soothed laying me head on his chest. I realized Zane was shirtless and my face instantly grew hot and I began stammering like crazy!

Once again I was pushed away by Zane.


I pushed Cole away just telling myself that I can't get attached. Shaking my head I quickly change into my Gi. My cuts sting but I feel as if I deserve to feel this pain.

Cole keeps confusing me which causes me to argue with myself... Wait this isn't important right now. What is important is that we defeat the overlord. Wait. No. That I defeat the overlord. I did it once I can do it again because after all...... I'm not human.

I was lost in thought because I didn't even realize the whole team was dragging me to the danger. But what caught my attention was the hissing and cracking of something being thrown toward us.

"LOOK OUT!" Jay screamed instantly grabbing Lloyd and holding him tight to protect him from the flaming fire ball the just crashed and crumbled into the floor next to me.

I felt a pain in my chest an ache telling me that I desired to be with Cole in his gentle loving Arms... I screamed at myself to stop feeling this way. Maybe Nya or Borg could take away these feelings?

Cole barked out orders. "Jay and Lloyd get the civilians out of here and to safety. Kai I need you to control these balls of fire while Nya puts out the flames. Zane stay behind do not go toward the overlord."

"WHAT!?!" I snapped as every left to follow orders.

Cole's face was serious. "Zane he could be after you because you defeated him last. you know Revenge!"

"I'm made to protect! I don't care what you want because I'm going!" I hissed shoving Cole aside I ran through the fiery battle field where Nya was putting out Fires so the others could escape.


I had to hurry and find the source of these fire balls.

As I was jumping from rooftop to rooftop I could see a white flash. I was confused till it clicked.

"ZANE!?!?!" I screamed as Zane ran through the field to the source.

.Cole was way behind trying to catch up to his teammate. "ZANE STOP NOW!" I heard Cole scream.

I had to do something. I mustered up all my strength and threw a rock the size of my hand at The side of Zane's head.


I ignored everything nothing would stop me! Or at least that's what I thought till something hard hit the side of my head and my vision went blurry. I felt myself falling then everything went black....

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