The Legend Of The Seeker Of Truth part 2

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As Joshua Gramm trained with Ronald stoppable wielding sting the sword of truth he learn hold wield as the holy spirit taught josh how to world and train night and day your good josh the sting sees it also know as seeker of aslan you must how to understand the meaning of written truth Christ gave many books about his wisdom that very mortals couldn't understand his meaning as seeker you must those meaning just like ancient seekers of old many seekers was he chosen keyblade wielders heavenly circle life kingdom of hearts book of wisdom Christ wrote gave a key to each reader keyhole of truth to unlocked each story has meaning each chapter and verse hold secret doorway to his kingdoms each verse and chapter you master holds the key to his gateway as you learn his virtue to master his gift he given you just know how to turn the key to right angle as you see you also was seeker weren't you Ron i was once then became master of seekers training them in light now you basic tiers now master the first how simple as pagemaster keyblade knights each must start with the basic teachings first lesson let your key guide to know right from wrong there are two paths open know which holds the key and the other holds the lock remeber too see were key unlocks which door that lead to light remeber trust in Lord virtues and you know each meaning as but be warn there many traps devil world of men each of creature is mark of the world eater you pass through each trap and snare but remeber each of these virtues of the hidden light faith hope love joy and peace are the hidden doors of the light learn how to unlock them but I belive in you josh do I josh said something in my heart tell me you find the awnsers that you seek good luck and may Christ be with you on your journey thank you both of you Lord with you both as said farewell went to jungle find the hidden doors don't worry kim his must find like I did and I know he will just have to faith that Lord knows what he doing trust him like I have and josh have we need is faith to start us off I love you Ronald and your right we need faith on walk in the circle of life. As walk through forest he sees small cave there stood some time of knight cool armour head to toe with fascinating blade in remember of key hold there pilgrim are you seeker yes I am then question i have of you with holds key part of the virtue you need enter here so I riddle I have long ago ancient was mighty seeker born unknown birth long ago there live evil tyrant who cruelty malice brought destruction is he teaching but the great seeker slay him and his empires he built of doubt despair fear lust hate so in the name of his father he seeled each doorway the world's his father created each could be unlock with words of truth and wisdom worthy of seeker humble pure kindess and heart if thou is true seeker what is then riddle of one seeks one must have heart for cannot see what is not physical eye of the mind must eye of the heart that is Correct thou art aslan has chosen well you may pass in the cave of wonders the real you shall find holds this world histroy that time has fogotten. As he continue on he quickly came to finding that place was real dark and what lurk there he didn't found in the cave some ruin city there look in the building was strange sort of sceptre with red Crystal in shape of leapord statue the other one was dark lamp as but redated in there dark aura dark of any power of great fear radiated press on his sword of truth oh great sword of truth please give me wisdom of savior light to unveiled these dark objects as holy shine each light pirece these dark objects as they were destroy but in doing so free vile heartless inside one of vile queen la once was princess Jasmine of agrabah the other was Ariel princess of atlantica now vicous Naga empress Vanessa kaa Rockpython of banderlog
So one a genie the other naga both serpents of tash then as kept his sword glowing blue light you both there said josh where holy books of virtues of this here temple quickly now for I do not know the entry but I can see by you once slaves of Lord tash by honor as seeker of truth will free you only you both will lead to these books for wish to keep in safe banks likes of both of you hmmmm are you seeker of truth may be if so my sister and will help you oh and just like that I can see you are both sirens but knowing that both of so much as to any funny ideas no this with blade of sting you both fear wrath of savior I guarantee why such humble servant of the king we both pledge ourselves as your guides and give you what you seek just to show you we mean no ill will we shall promise not to Decite you as solume vow hmmm we will see first of all judging from those prison objects you once serve as palace keepers of the treasure room yes you be correct seeker said lady Vanessa we both the treasure like my sister said we will lead you there but we must make haste for the banderlog guard this fallen temple oh really of that is case why leave so soon as we are consider outsiders for are transgression to Lord tash we became slaves to Lord Louie of temple of opar which under banderlog rule how interesting but be as that may i came find the books of virtues I cannot leave without them and you said you both or your word of honor find them very well we shall help you retrieve them come this way.

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