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Your dad woke up and walked into the living room seeing you and Loki sit on the couch.
"Good morning sweet heart." Tony said as he gave you a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
"What are our plans for today? I want to see how much has changed." you say with enthusiasm as you brush your hair with your hands.
"Alright, calm down. Let me get a pot of coffee down first, while you take a proper shower." Tony said with a laugh and smile, as he made his way to the kitchen and saw that the coffee pot was already on. He looked back at you and before he could say anything you exclaimed,"When it comes to you and coffee, I'm one step ahead of you."
"Seems like it." Tony said pouring the coffee into a mug, and drinking it immediately. "Dad?" you ask Tony as he sits down.
"What a matter sweetheart?" Tony asked as you pulled up a chair and sat beside him.
"H-how old am I?" you ask while looking at your hands.
Tony put down his coffee mug and looked at you.
"Your (age plus 2 years)." Tony said as you looked up in shock.
"Two years older? But I thought you said I was asleep for a year."
"About a year, meaning more or less then." Tony said as shifted in his seat. "You entered your coma 3 weeks before your birthday, so after the 3 weeks you were one year older, but a year and 3 weeks later you were still in your coma, meaning you had another birthday. Making you 2 years older. Then you woke up about 2 weeks later." Tony said with sorrow.
"So now I'm (age plus 2)?" you asked trying to wrap your head around, what just happened.
''Damn." you say quietly, but just loud enough for Tony to hear you.
"Hey, Work on your language."
"Sorry. Its just so weird. I look the same, dress the same, talk the same, but act different. Like, the body language I use..isn't mine." you say with a soft voice as tears start to form in your eyes. Your dad looks over at you, and pulls you into a hug.
"It's ok," he says in a soothing calming voice as he kisses your forehead,
"You were only asleep for a little more then a year, Steve was asleep and frozen for about 70 years." Tony says as he holds you in a hug, as you both laugh.
"Yea." you say through your tears as you wipe your eyes. "But I still want to go out and see everything." you say with sass as you see Loki shift on the couch, immediately remembering he was still in the room. "Then go get cleaned up and get dressed." Tony tells you as you break from the hug and start to happily walk to the hallway, before asking Loki sheepishly,"You can join us if you want to."
Loki looks at you with smile. Because even though SHIELD didn't consider him a villain or a threat anymore, people who lived in the city and some of the avengers were still sceptical and had their suspicion.
Loki nodded his head and shot you a wink.
Tony noticed and yelled,"Go shower, (y/n)!" with humour and a laugh hanging on his words.
Even though he yelled, you could tell he wasn't mad and shouted back,"Its been a year, I forgot where everything is! You should carry me to my room, and make (favourite breakfast)! Ya know just in case the recipe changed."
"Ill make the food, but you have to walk. I'm not carrying you." Tony says with a smile.
"Deal." you say with a soft laugh as you walk to your room, trying to avoid using the elevator. You climbed the 7 stories till you got to your room, and immediately walked over to your wardrobe, opened the bottom drawer and pulled out 2 towels, a red silk bathrobe, and a pair of after shower slippers. You held all items in your arms and started to make your way over to your personal bathroom, that was in your room.
"I've never had a bathroom to myself before I met Tony. Hell, I've never even had a room to myself before before I met Tony. And then all of a sudden, I'm the daughter of Tony Stark...
Someone who had nothing and no one, all of a sudden....has everything, and more......and I don't even realise it, anymore."
You say to yourself, as you set your things on the bathroom counter, and start to undress.
"Two years ago, I would never think of the idea of owning a proper jacket, or showering with vanilla scented bath products. And know.....I have everything I could ever need and want,"
You continued in your head, as you started to tear up.
"But the only reason why he wanted to talk to me, was for information."
You kept going, knowing that you would soon be crying a river. You put on your bathrobe and started to draw the water.
"Maybe the only reason why he wanted me......was cause he felt sorry for me."
You say in your head, this time letting go, and having tears pure down your face and into water, you took off your robe and pulled the stopped, to change the direction of the water, so it would come out of the shower head. You stepped into the shower and stood underneath the hot water for about 2 minutes, before talking to yourself again.
"He never wanted me. I'm not his real daughter. I'm just someone he felt sorry for."
You began to cry more and more, till your cries were so hard, no sound came out of you.
"But why? Why all of a sudden am I feeling like this? I know I'm not the best. But I'm not that bad, right?" 
You asked yourself as you scrubbed your body and then your hair, making sure you were clean and smelling good. When you stepped out the shower, you dried yourself off, put on you robe, slippers, and tied your hair in the 2nd towel, to prevent it from dripping everywhere.
You walked back into your room and made your way back to your wardrobe, and started sifting through cloths. When you found, a pair of nice skinny jeans, Tony's 'Black Sabbath' T-shirt, which you took from him along time ago, and never noticed.
You put on the cloths and noticed that your reactor, shined through the shirt, the way your dad's does.
You looked at the shirt and gave it a sad smile.
"I'll be better. I'll try better. I'll be the perfect daughter."
You say to yourself as you sit on your bed, while awful memories come flooding into your mind, of your biological father.
"I'm better then him! I'm not him!" you yell. Trying to make the thoughts go away, but fail.
"Why all of a sudden!?"
You say, getting more frustrated.
"Worthless! Worthless!! WORTHLESS!!! IM FUCKING WORTHLESS!!!"
You yell. This time not in your head. When you hear fast knocking at your door.
"Mouse!? What's wrong!?" Tony asks, from the opposite side of the door.
"Please, Mouse. You can tell me." Tony says starting to get even more worried.
"Go away Tony!"
You say through tears, before realizing you just called your dad, Tony.
'Tony?' Stark said in his head before knocking again.
"C'mon Mouse. Unlock the door."
He said, this time shaking the door knob.
"Go away Stark!" You yell, this time throwing yourself onto your bed and crying in your pillow.
"What's wrong? Did I do something?...Mouse?" Tony continued, this time, not receiving an answer.

What's wrong with my little girl?

I'm not that bad.(Tony Stark x Adoptive Reader)Where stories live. Discover now