Chapter One

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A/N - It's super hard to capture the charachter James Patterson has created, but I'll try to represent Maximum Ride as best I can! This fanfiction will contain major spoilers for the final book!

The sky was finally losing that strange, post-apocalyptic hue, and the water is finally starting to calm a little. The whole island had changed - no, evolved - after the Split, and I have to say, I prefered it this way. The air felt new, cleaner even, and though my wing was still damaged and I can't fly yet, I couldn't wait to get up there.

Yes kids, fly. Where have you been?! Seriously, 8 books later, you should know by now who I am by now. I'm Maximum Ride, your number 1, 98% human, 2% avian winged girl! And I've just survived the apocalypse - no biggie.

Shortly after we'd realized we hadn't actually died during the whole sky-ripping-open thing, we'd began a search-and-rescue operation, trying to find the rest of the enhancd children that lived on this island. Dylan and Angel, my flock members (long story.) had evacuated everyone on the island to the caves, following Dylan's creepy, forseeing eyesight that allowed him to see the Split coming from millions of miles away. 
A majority of the kids were fine, just scratches and bruises, nothing worse than what I've experienced in my lifetime. We'd searched tirelessly for hours and hours, returning them to the treetop village that was in serious need of rebuilding. I'd been overcome with joy when I'd found the rest of the flock - and believe me, it's not regular I'm 'overcome' with any sort of feeling. Iggy and Gazzy had stuck together, and Nudge had been huddled among a mass of her new friends.

I was so grateful for the safety of my flock, but by evening (I assume. Night and Day are still a bit messed up here.) I was wiped. 
"You alright there, Maximum?" Fang had asked, coming up behind me wearing that rare lopsided grin I'd been seeing a lot of lately. (despite the whole end of the world thing, he was pretty darn happy. I assumed it was the whole 'Max and Fang forever and ever' topic we'd finally resolved.)

Instead of slipping into his arms as I'd wanted to do all day - get this - I'd fainted. Like, genuinely collapsed. Right there. In the caves. Sure, I had an excuse - I'd almost died about 4 times in the past 24 hours, and my injuries weren't exactly the type a Band-Aid could fix - but I was still mortified when I came around a few hours later. I was one of the strongest people I knew - yet, I'd fainted. 

I woke in my treehouse, feeling like I'd been hit by a tsunami - wait, I had. Scrap that. Every part of my body ached, injured wing included, and my throat was so dry it felt like we were back in Africa again. (Yup, we've been to Africa. Which probably doesn't exist anymore.) The thought made my stomach churn even more, so I got up, testing my legs. Suddenly, the sound of wings flapping and the soft thud of landing feet came from outside.

It wasn't who I expected it to be. Then again, when is it?

*Please vote and comment if you liked it - new part coming soon!*

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