"I love you"

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I don't know. Sincerely, I don't know. I think my circuits are malfunctioning or something. My spark "hurts" a few times when I'm near him and I can't say those simple words.

And before you say that robots can't relate, keep in mind that I know a doctor who has become Conjux Endura for some time. And Conjux Endura is, as humans says, boyfriends or even married. And Conjux Amica means best friends.

Me and High Tide are Conjux Amica. Cody told me once that we always need to vent to someone close, but that someone needs to know what's going on. I don't even know who I'm talking to but I feel that you're one of Cody's friends or something. So I suggest you guys settle down because I will tell you about the whole situation and I won't repeat it.

It all started a few months ago. I was driving through the ocean waters, obviously close to the island, on my speedboat mode along with Frankie, Cody, Doc Greene and Graham. If my memory doesn't fail me, we were after an old source of oil for the mayor.

I will never understand this, since it was years since no one wore it, and I sincerely saw no need. But it's as they say: Machines can't comment on human "business". Since I can't comment on this subject, I must say that the ocean is a quiet place ... At least it doesn't burn. Well, I thought it doesn't.

"Whirlpool ahead!", Cody shouted and soon I was being pulled by the whirlpool. I tried to escape, but my efforts were useless at the time. We sent a signal from S.O.S but it was probably useless that far. Apparently, it was the end.

However, a very large white robot with blue and red rose from the sea near the whirlpool. I looked at the insignia on its chest. An Autobot. But I had never seen one that big. Anyway, whoever was commanding there, saved us and took us all to the beach - it didn't let me go at myself for some reason.

From the ship, below the hull and near us, a submarine came out and the same one turned into a great blue mech with an anchor's insignia on his left shoulder. The way he got up, all the sea water was trickling down his body until he was completely dry. And that's where I met the captain.

We had our disagreements at first. But now we're practically friends. Not as close as I wanted to but we're friends. But in that time together, I learned little by little with him. He's practically my- I mean, the water rescue instructor on the team... And part of it, too.

I have felt very strange. Seemingly nervous and a little anxious. I went to Cody for help, and he agreed. I gradually said everything I felt near the bigger bot, and also what I was feeling in that moment.

"This is nothing to worry about", he chuckled, "It happens when we're in love with someone, and you're sure to be in love."

"In love? And what do I have to do to end this feeling?", I asked a little nervous, but I tried to disguise it in a tone of voice. Apparently, to no avail.

"It's easy", Cody said smiling, "you have to get at it by taking a deep breath and saying all this what you feel or a simple 'I love you'. I have no doubt he feels the same way."

A simple "I love you," he said. That echoed through my processor some, no, several times. How am I supposed to do that? What if he doesn't really like me? What if I pay the biggest shame? If he says he loves me, what am I going to do about it?

Doubts and more doubts. Controversies and more controversies. All this mixed up in my processor and confusing me... I feel stuck in an internal whirlpool with no chance of escape. I didn't know what to say or even do...

Since that day every time he stood next to me, I always wanted to say something, but I never can. Something keeps me from going on but I don't know what. It seems that something is stronger than I am.

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