6 - A hostile World

Start from the beginning

They had a varied diet, ate in addition to meat, vegetables and some leaves and fruits of certain trees, but had not developed agriculture, the instinct made them eat vegetables to lighten their stomachs of the excess of proteins of the meat and to level their intestinal flora in an unconscious way, but they did not constitute their feeding base, reason why they rarely exhausted the fruits of the earth of the place where they were temporarily established, their diet was based mainly on raw meat obtained by hunting all kinds of large and small animals who were attacked in very well coordinated groups, in addition to fishing, which practiced rudimentary, in the countless rivers, ponds, lakes and lagoons that the land had, waiting patients at the edge of rivers or ponds the right time to nail the claws of a careless fish, which became a succulent delicacy.

As the result of evolution, they had been able to adapt their bodies to the two models of regulation of ectothermal body temperature, so much so that they could regulate their temperature with heliothermia or heat capture from solar radiation, that is to say, exposing themselves directly to solar rays or with tigmothermia which is the capture of heat by conduction, coming into contact with hotter surfaces, acquiring the accumulated heat in stones or surfaces previously heated by the sun or another energy system such as the volcanic heat that emanated in certain regions around these geographical features, but since their food supply was varied and very abundant, to the point of almost seeming inexhaustible, they had managed with the running of the eons to develop some endothermic characteristics, with a relatively warm blood that allowed them to move with some freedom through the cold zones, as long as it was during the day, at night they had no place to obtain heat from and their endothermic capacity suffices them just to be able to hibernate, waking up with the first solar rays, which in any case was a disadvantage in case of being close to humans.

Within the species several races or sub-species had developed, some were stronger and more resistant, developed a hard bark or shell like turtles and were dedicated to surveillance, because the bark served as thermal insulation and did not suffer much from cold or heat, others developed mental skills such as memory management, fluid communication, environmental analysis and problem solving, agility, strength and ferocity to hunt as well as many other skills that according to the race, were segregated.

Since time immemorial men and Saurios had competed among themselves to achieve control of their territories within the planet, both species assumed the role predator or prey, according to the conditions and environmental environment of their confrontation, although in the humid warm lands that covered, as we said, almost the entire earth, humans were the prey by omission of the Hordes of Saurios, because first, reptiles were much more numerous in members, additionally in the individual also had an advantage because they were faster. In the period of this history, very few groups or tribes inhabited the plains and rarely did these small herds survive long.

In the highlands, mountain ranges, and the polar areas, history was a little different, the climate was more favorable to humans, who abounded in number, weathered the cold better, both day and night, and were more socially developed, largely because the Saurian Hordes refrained from visiting the cold lands because they were really inclement to their anatomy.

In both species, the evolution had run almost equally accelerated during the first stages of the development of intelligence, but as the reptiles were those who dominated the earth by the climatic conditions that favored them, did not have greater competition, nor did they go through great hardships or needs, they had very favorable conditions for their life and not having difficulties or fierce competition, the advance of certain aspects in the intelligence of the Saurians was delayed, on the contrary, the pre-hominids that in spite of having been controlled and almost annihilated from the face of the earth, had found a hard but effective refuge in the small cold zones of the planet, which were located as already mentioned, near the poles, where the climate was not tropical but very temperate, arriving at really cold zones covered with snow during good season of the year, which were really inhospitable for the great dinosaurs and difficult access for the intelligent Saurians, who, from time to time managed to incursionar looking for that human food, relatively difficult to obtain but that they liked so much.

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