The Painful Truth

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Logan remembers when Llesynia started working for his family.... they were both 13 and his mother had put him in charge of her making him her "slave driver" of sorts.... it was one thing to be friends with her it was a whole nother thing to become her boss though she did make an "excellent" point when she told him as she passed him by on her very first day.... her voice dripping with soft sarcasm "well at least I'm FINALLY "where I belong".... under an Echolls!"  she had said it in a voice so soft that only he heard her he had chuckled softly as he watched her and her grandmother go straight to work.... but that wasn't the most memorable time for him.... what he remembers is Syn walking into his father's room as he was getting whipped by his father's belt she maneuvered around him quickly grabbing his father's wrist before he could bring the belt back down on his back kicked his father in the shin then kneed him "where the sun don't shine" growling lowly in a protective manner "don't you TOUCH him!"  then she punched his father in the face as he looked up at her in shock she must have had one hell of a punch because it had knocked his father out cold long enough for her to turn to Logan and say softly "I came to see what you wanted me to do next.... but first....!"  she took Logan's hand and walked him out of his parents bedroom to his room and into the adjoined bathroom and started to take care of his wounds he had looked it her in shock when she took his hand and walked him out without a word or a glance.... he flinched as well as sucked in a breath when she started cleaning his freshly made wounds but that wasn't the reason he did so the reason was because she would now see his old ones what surprised him was that she didn't say anything about them but he did feel her softly slide her finger over a few of them as she worked on the newer ones there was a soft curiosity in her touch but he was betting that it had more to do with his bodies reaction then where or why he got them his body quivers and tingles at her fingers gentle caress as they follow the pathway of each scar and she finally looks into his eyes and whispers softly "don't worry Master Logan I know how to keep a secret and not JUST because I work for your family!"  Logan couldn't help but chuckle....

 he flinched as well as sucked in a breath when she started cleaning his freshly made wounds but that wasn't the reason he did so the reason was because she would now see his old ones what surprised him was that she didn't say anything about them ...

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Logan had "scolded" Syn the first time she called him master and she made a promise "I will only call you "master" during work hours.... when we're alone.... any other time I shall only speak of you as Logan or Log (pronounced low-gue.... in case you forgot)"  he chuckles and ever since that day he had become "master Logan" whenever they "got caught" being alone as she worked any other time when there were others around she didn't speak to him at all she didn't seem to even acknowledge his presence just nodded if and when he gave her an order it hurt when she did that but he didn't blame her he knew WHY she did it after all her "people" are the "lowest of the low" on the Neptune totem pole he had started to wonder why he felt the way he does for her, why he enjoyed it when she was grouped with him for school projects or hung out with him, Duncan, Veronica and Lily on rare occasions..... "anything else Master Logan?!"  Syn asks quietly breaking Logan's train of thought and he replies "uh!.... no!.... if you are finished you are free to go"  she nods and walks away and Logan started to feel sad it was because of her that Logan started to hate "the great divide" between his and her people he even started to miss her touch and felt lonely as he watched her walk out of his room to finish helping her grandmother with her work then head home his body still tingled as though it could still feel her touch and he went to go find something to do to get his mind off her and that feeling they had already done their homework together so he had to figure out something else to do which thanks to how rich his parents were wasn't hard to do.... when Syn got home she would always help Eli with his homework and they would both head down to Angel's auto shop to work.... Logan and Syn used to hang out a lot.... before he started dating Lily.... at first Lily was a distraction to "help/make" him forget how he felt about Syn as well as help him keep and quite possibly "grow" in his "standing" with his fellow 09ners.... which is what a man of his "stature" should do.... then after awhile just like every other man who "tapped" Lilly's "fine white ass" he fell in love with the attention seeking "wild child" of a "woman".... his and Syn's friendship changed even more after she chose to stick up for and stay on Veronica's "side of the fence" after Lily's murder instead of staying friends with him and the other 09ners.... she pretty much ended up being Veronica's only TRUE friend after Duncan dumped her (Veronica) and her father blamed the wrong person for her best friends death... Syn rode to school with Veronica, sat at the same lonely table during lunch hours with Logan staring at her watching her from afar wishing that she would pay attention to him like she does when she's at his place working, helping him with homework etc. but she didn't and it made him feel lonely....

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