I'm Sorry

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The Next Day

Bayley Didn't sleep at all last night she keep replaying what her and Aaron did over and over in her head as she laid next to a sleeping Finn, It broke her heart that she had cheated on Finn with Aaron But Bayley knew she couldn't go through another night with Aaron. 

The following morning Bayley was sat in the nursery feeding Coby when Finn walked in and kissed her on the head.

Finn- Morning 

Bayley- Morning 

Finn- How's the little man 

Bayley- you know he can talk back, don't you 

Finn- Yes but it won't be long till he is 

Bayley- Well he is doing fine all clean and fed just like mummy like you to be 

Finn- How was you night out with Sasha? I didn't hear you come in 

Bayley- It was good, I got back about 11.30 but you look so peaceful I didn't want to wake you 

Finn- No worries, Here I'll take him while you get ready 

Bayley- You sure?

Finn- Yeah, anything for My wonderful wife he said as he kissed her 

Bayley felt terrible, seeing Finn be so loving toward her and seeing the way he care and cherishes Coby considering the heartache she has caused that Finn is still unaware of.

After Bayley had gotten ready her and Finn headed to Raw. When they Arrived Finn dropped Bayley off at the locker room before heading to get ready for his match.

Finn- Have a great match tonight. See you later he said as he kissed her 

Bayley- Good luck in yours 

Just as Bayley was about to walk in to the locker room she noticed Aaron was stood watch her and Finn. Aaron walked up and stood beside her smirking.

Bayley- What do you want Aaron?

Aaron- Seem Loverboy doesn't know about our night together by the display you two just put on.

Bayley- What do you want?

Aaron- I want you again. Come to my room tonight after your match. Unless you want Finn knowing your dirty little secret. 

As she watched Aaron walk away Bayley knew she couldn't go through another night with Aaron she feel sick to her stomach at the idea of him all over her again. 

After her tag match with Sasha and Natalya against The Riot Squad, Bayley make her way to Aaron dressing room, she knock on the door before walking in.

Aaron- Ah Right on time, Now get out of that stupid gear of yours 

Bayley- No 

Aaron- I'm sorry, What?

Bayley- I Said No. I'm not sleeping with you ever again, I wish I didn't let you manipulate me into bed the other night 

Aaron- Then Finn will Find out about his murderous, adulterous Wife 

Bayley- I don't care. You don't Own me anymore 

Aaron- Ha, I've alway Owned you Bayley and I will continue Owning you even if your with Finn. 

Bayley- The only person that owns me is Finn not you 

Bayley made a quick exit out of Aaron dressing room, she knew she had made the right choice but was worried about how Finn would react to her secrets.

Later that night after putting Coby to sleep Bayley was sat watching tv when Finn came and snuggled up with her. 

Finn- Hey why don't we have an early night 

Bayley- Since when have you been into an early night 

Finn- Well I thought we could do some more cuddling upstair 

Bayley- Just Cuddling?

Finn- Well maybe a little bit more than cuddling 

Finn and Bayley retreat upstairs and get ready for bed, they both laid in the bed cuddling one other as Finn then starts to place kisses on Bayley's neck whilst rubbing his hand up her inner thigh, Finn looked deeply into her eyes and leaned in to kiss her passionately, Bayley wrapped her arm around his neck they both let out a moan as the kiss intensified.

Finn laid his wife down on the bed before he bent down and kissed the top of her breasts and his hand started to massage her clit. After a few minutes of passionate kissing he broke the kiss and moved in between Bayley's legs, he started to kissed down her chest to her stomach before kissing her inner thighs. Just as Finn is about to remove Bayley's Panties, She sits up and pushes Finn away from her.

Finn- What's Wrong?

Bayley- I can't do this.

Finn- What do you mean?

Bayley- This, I can't Lie to you anymore 

Finn- Bayley What's Happened? Has someone hurt you?

Bayley- No But I've hurt you 

Finn- What are you on about, how have you hurt me? 

Bayley- Finn When Aaron kidnapped me and shot you and you were both in the hospital, I went to visit him and I tried to kill him. 

Finn- What?

Bayley- I had too I was thinking about us and Coby. But when he returned he blackmailed me and said I have to sleep with him or he would tell you.

Finn- Did You sleep with him?

Bayley- Finn-


Bayley- Yes she said as she began to cry. Finn I'm Sorry 


Bayley- I'm sorry please forgive me


Finn walks out of the bedroom and downstairs grabbing his coat before slamming the front door. Bayley sits at the end of the bed crying her eyes out knowing her family is ruined. Suddenly she hear the front door open and run downstairs thinking Finn has returned but the person stood in the hallway isn't Finn but Aaron.

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