15:True Me

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I awoke to the sound of the tent door opening. "What are you doing here?" I ask sitting up in a jolt. "Remember that I told i would be dropping off supplies for you so Pan doesn't find out your here." He says putting a bag beside my bed. "I don't remember any of that. You never came to visit me earlier." I say putting my feet down on the floor. "I came by earlier and told you about this. You seriously don't remember me coming here earlier?" He asks sitting on the edge of my bed. "No I don't remember anything from earlier, actually I don't remember anything at all like who am i?" I ask looking at him. "Well for starters, your name is Emerald Mills and your 18 years old and you got stabbed by dreamshade then drank some fountain water so now you can never leave the island and you were then pushed off a cliff. That about sums you up." He said smiling. "I am really never allowed to leave this island?" I say. "You can try but the shadow will just bring you back." He said frowning. "Ok then I guess I will stay here then but can I have some different clothes?" I said. "Yeah sure they are in the bag." He said handing me the bag. "Ok thanks." I say grabbing the bag and looking through it. "Well I guess I will get out of your hair since you have to change," He says heading out the door, "My name is Felix by the way!"

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