Chapter 1: Secrets?

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I woke up around 8. I sit up and stretch in my uncomfortable hotel bed. I step off the bed onto the frozen tile flooring. I walk over to my dresser and put on a black v-neck,skinny jeans,black combat boots,a black leather jacket and black gloves. I step into my bathroom and tie up my long brown hair leaving the blue strands at the end dangling on my shoulders. I decided not to put any makeup on because I wasn't going anywhere special. I walk back out of the bathroom and grab my glasses off the shelf. I grab my purse and walk out the hotel room. I walk downstairs and wave to Granny as she heads off to the diner. I walk out the door into the chilly fall air. I walk down the street and enter the diner. "Hey Emerald." I hear. "Oh, hey Ivy!" I reply. I go over to the booth and sit down. Ivy has her hair up into a messy bun, she is wearing a light pink tank top with a white shawl, skinny jeans and light brown boots. "Have you seen that new girl around town?" She said. "Are you talking about that girl ummm Catherine I think is her name?" I ask. "Yea, she's that mysterious girl right who is supposedly the daughter of Rumpelstilkskin." "What would you like to order?" Ruby asks. "Hot chocolate with whipped cream and cinnamon." I said. "Coming right up!" Ruby replies before walking away. "I still don't understand how you like that stuff!" Says Ivy. "I don't know, it's good." I said. "Oh, do you think that Catherine has some of Mr.Golds powers?" She said. Everything went through my mind at that moment what if somebody figures out my secret? They would kill me or worse they would go after my mom even though she doesn't know what I look like or even sound like. So at that moment I promised myself I would never tell a soul about my secret.

Sorry about the short chapter I had writers block!

Next update:Wednesday April 2, 2014


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