Judy: I'll let you know tomorrow.

W: Thank you dear, see you in class.

Judy: You too.

(Judy walk away, heading to class. Varian walk out of his hiding place and head to W.)

Varian: What were you two talking about?

W: Hmm? (Turn around) Oh, it's you. We were talking about our plans for the weekend.

Varian: Did she tell you about our date to the carnival?

W: She did. But...she wouldn't cause of your knowledge of Gealach. Something a second Gealach would do.

Varian: Are you saying that..? I'm not a murderer! If you think I would hurt my friends, my family and my Judy, you're crazier than I thought!

W: Your Judy?! She is mine!

Varian: I was there for her in her bad need of help!! And where were you?! At the police force tracking down Gealach!! So don't you think cause you're in a justice force, you can get all the girls you want!!

W: And what about you?! You're a stinking little nobody that just got lucky! Judy will come to her senses after she give me her answer tomorrow!!

Varian: And if she say no tomorrow?

W: Then I won't stop fighting till I have her away from you.

Varian: Hmmf! I like to see you try. She's not as easily swoon as you think.

(The two glare at each other, then walk away in different directions. Varian enter his chemistry class that is empty, W enter his biology class which is empty too. Each have jealousy in them, thinking as a way to beat their game.)

Varian: (sing) Time to rethink

And begin

With a brand new game plan

Margin for error is slim

W: (sing) He's on the brink

He could win

I can't use the same plan

Time to start thinking like him

Varian: (sing) What would I do if I got inside his head?

W: (sing) Thought like him instead?

Varian: (sing) Could it be

W: (sing) Possibly

Both: (sing) I'll catch him when

(The twos eyes narrow in a glare.)

Both: (sing) I look through his eyes

See what he sees

And then improvise

Until I can learn what puts him at ease

(They stand with cring fists.)

Both: (sing) I'll walk in his shoes

As long as it takes

Till deep in my bones

I'm sure he is

One and the same as the me who is playing his game

(Allah enter Varian's class, then stop he feel a strange in the air.)

Varian: (sing) What does he do

Luna MortemWhere stories live. Discover now