Chapter 3: Meeting Him Again

Start from the beginning

She didn't even greet Mrs Stones when she arrived...she was smiling like an autistic patient.

"Josh Winston urrgghh..... He's not good in bed but still handsome though....I met so many guys who satisfied me but none is as good as Zachary.... Right Zachary?" she said shamelessly and I felt a stinging pain in my chest.
Zach glared at her signaling her to behave but it seems she didn't get the signal but continued laughing like a bear in the mountains.

"Well that's a nice adventure Ms. Tyler" Mrs Stone said in a seems she already hates Miss Tiler.

"Thanks Emilia....I really love your house it's beautiful you know..." she wanted to start but thankfully Zach cut her off.

" I think we should start's late and I got work tomorrow.
Mrs Stone just nodded and it seems like she was not pleased with her son.

We all soon vacated the dining room.

I really felt hurt because Zachary don't like me he brought home ladies and today he brought a freaking model who behaves like some one who was brought up in a psychiatric hospital and autistic home......she talks none stop and shamelessly.......who talks about her sex life to strangers?.
I went to my room and laid down to sleep and I couldn't sleep so I decided to chat with Miguel.

Emma: Hey Bestie!! how are you?
Miguel: Hey Emmy... I'm fine.
Emma: And school?
Miguel: Not bad. I missed you Emmy.
Emma: Me too... Just feeling really bored.
Miguel: Where's your Prince Charming?😊
Emma: Miggy you're crazy....he's here but hasn't noticed me once.
Miguel: Don't worry one day he will don't loose hope.
Emma: I hope so Mig.....Goodnight.
Miguel: Yeah Emmmaaa Goodnight Bestie.

I switched off my phone and laid down for a while and I noticed I couldn't still sleep again so I decided to read a book.
I read the book for about one hour.
I felt sleepy . I decided to go to sleep.



I was really embarrassed for what Doris did during dinner...

"Doris what is the meaning of what you did in there?" I asked her angrily
"What did I do?" she asked innocently but hell I know she's not innocent..

"Common Zachy stop being edgy and angry at me...I didn't do anything wrong" she said which annoyed me the more.

Father in heaven where did I get this girl from?....why can't she just behave herself?
Now my mom will rebuke me and I regretted ever knowing someone like Doris.
Her red hair and makeup are making me feel dizzy and her perfume smells like Indian hemp and it's choking me like hell.

I quickly dropped her off at her apartment and came back to my mansion....

I entered inside and everywhere was quiet so I decided to go to my room upstairs.
"What a lovely guest" my mom said out of nowhere....I thought she's asleep.

"Hey mom" I greeted her.
"I don't like that girl more like toy" my mom said causing me to chuckle.

"I'm sorry mom I won't bring her here again." I promised her.
"You better" she said before walking upstairs to her room I guess.

I went to my room and showered for 30 minutes I let the hot water rush down all my body calming my nerves down and suddenly Emma's image clouded my head once more. The reason why I brought Doris here is to forget her I had sex with Doris so that I could erase her out of my mind and head but all seems in vain....
Why will I be thinking of a maid?.
I sighed deeply.

That girl has a big effect on me and I won't allow it....She's just a maid for heaven's sake.

She's just a maid and she's nothing...I keep replaying it on my head.

I finished showering and couldn't sleep so I decided to have some couple of few drinks.
I will get my revenge on her for humiliating me in public...I mean no one does that.
I'm going to make her life a living hell in this mansion....
When she came to my office to beg me....I took my time in studying her to be honest she has a very innocent aura but hell I know she is not innocent but have slept with men and she just doing that for my money....
That's all they want money,fame popularity but I won't give in that easily.

With all the thought going in my head while drinking, darkness engulfed me completely with one thought on my head.
"She will pay."


I woke up with a throbbing headache... I drank a couple of whiskey last night before I went to sleep.....
Yesterday when Doris was rambling those crazy stuff I took my time on noticing Emma.
She has this innocent aura around her and what's more surprising she looks familiar like I've seen her before... No it can't be there is no way I've seen her before.

I decided to put a stop in thinking about her and focus on making her life a living hell... No one humiliates Zachary Stone and she did.
I went to take a hot shower, I quickly finished and wore my Armani Black suit and I paired it up with a Lemon green tie and finally I wore my Rolex wrist watch and sprayed my expensive cologne.

I went downstairs and I saw breakfast served on the table. I never felt like eating while going to work but today I felt hungry all of a sudden and I don't know why.
On the table was Blueberry Pancakes, Muffins, Bacons, Scrambled eggs, and hot chocolate tea.....WOW!

"Good morning son" I heard my mom said behind me and I turned around and saw her beautifully dressed in her Nude dress paired with a nude stilettos... Beautiful as always.
"Good morning mom" I greeted back excitedly.
"Hmmmm someone is a good mood" she teased.
"Oh common mom stop it already... I'm hungry" I said and her eyes widened a thought it might tear.
"Wow first time in history..."
"Rosario" she called out.
An middle aged lady ran to the dining room.
"Yes ma'am...Good morning Sir" she greeted.
I just nodded.
"Please can you serve me and my son" she demanded.
"Right away ma'am" she replied.
We sat down and dug in our food. When I tasted it...I melted. This is Heaven.
I feel like I'm eating the greatest meal.

"Rosario... your food tastes delicious today." mom said happily.
"Ooh ma'am I wasn't the one who prepared it..." she said excitedly and I became confused.
My mom seems more confused.
"Who did?" I asked curiously.
"It's Miss Faye Sir" she answered politely.
Shock was an understatement.
"Where is she?" my mom asked.
"She is doing the laundry.... She woke up by 4:30am clean the whole mansion, washed the dishes, trimmed and watered the garden, planted new flowers, prepared breakfast and now she is doing the laundry" she said.
I was really surprised at this information.
"Thanks you may go" my mom dismissed her.
"Mom I'll be leaving for work now." I said and kissed her cheek.
"Bye son take care." she said.

I left the mansion speechless.... All my life I never ate leaving the house... I can't eat because I hate breakfast but today I ate because of one person.....EMMA!
This can't be... How can someone have a big effect on me like this?

I know exactly know what to do..

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