The red army base.

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Tords p.o.v

I had taken y/n to the army base about a month ago. Remember how I told her to work for her stay? Yeah, she did a lot more than that. She had trained her ass off. I walked in on her training once to surprise attack her, and I had been stelthing, even her trainer didn't now I was there! Right as I was behind her, stun gun in hand, she swiftly pushed me face first into the wall, and said this. "I know what you're doing sir. I've been training hard, and my senses are better than you think." After she said that, she took the stun gun, and shot me in the leg. I, was utterly shocked. I couldn't focus the rest of the day. A 15 YEAR OLD, DETECTED ME, AND, SHOT ME WITH MY OWN WEAPON!!!! I had told them to set a a camera in her training room, and even when she wasn't supposed to train and it was free time, she trained, she train till she was weak. I watched the videos of her training, and when she was supposed to hit the 'enemy', (it was a reinforced dummy.) She broke a hole through it, with her fist. I, I just don't know how to react.

Your p.o.v

I had been walking to breakfast, when a bunch of female soldiers jumped me. They pinned me to a wall, and started to kick and punch me after getting me to the ground. I ended up going to breakfast with a black eye, and busted lip. That was only what I could see though. I sat down as I saw tord go on the stage thingy. "Red army, I wanted to introduce a new member. I'm a little late in doing this, but that's that. Y/n, come up here!" He said. I sigh and walk up on the stage. He noticed my face and told me to meet him after I ate. I only nodded my head. When I was done, I went and knocked on the door. "Come in!" He yelled. I walked in as he half smiled. "Ah, y/n, I just needed to ask one question." He said. "Shoot." I said. He looks sternly at you. "You have been my best soldier other than Pau and pat. So, I just want to know what happened to you before breakfast." He said, putting emphasis on the before. I told him about the women who attacked, and he looked pissed. I kid you not, you might as well have put steam coming out of his ears, and eyes glowing red. He noded. "I'll have it taken care of, you can go now." I nod and stand up. "Thanks sir." I say. "Just call me tord." He says. I nod and walk out. I go and start to train. I had been doing that for about 3 hours when my hand started to burn. I look down at them and see they're bleeding. "Well shit." You say, looking around the room. Not finding anything you sigh. 'Tord's going to kill me for this.' I think as you rip a piece off the bottom of my shirt, wrapping my knuckles. I go back to my small bedroom and take out a first aid kit, disinfecting it n' shit. Tord walks by my room and stops seeing my bloodied hands. "What happened?!" He yelled, rushing over. "I was training and I guess I didn't notice my knuckles bleeding." You say tord opens his mouth to speak but suddenly...

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