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Congratulations to everyone and welcome to round one! I just wanted to take a moment to thank you all for joining this competition and wish you luck for the remainder!

Due to the number of contestants there are in the competition, there will be 5 rounds and a special speed round to conclude it. Some rounds will not have eliminations, but some will. I'll let you know beforehand.

One contestant will be eliminated at the end of this first round.

Last round you all wrote about what you discovered the TARDIS outside your home at night. Myself and a number of other judges scored your entries, and here are the averages below.



Elpis0 : 88/100

BlueEyedIridescence: 98.5/100

EvynlinDiae: 95.5/100

Transpanic: 99/100

BrownEyedWeirdo: 96/100



Doctor Who is one of those shows with many memorable quotes, whether they're funny, meaningful, feelsy or all of the above. For this round I'll be assigning every contestant a quote which they must interpret and include in their entry. You can have a character say the quote, but it should be relevant to your one shot.

You will be scored on the plot (40), originality (20), spelling/grammar (10) and title (5) of your one shot, as well as on how well you fulfilled the challenge (20). The remaining 5 points out of the hundred that you could possibly gain will be awarded by the judges personal enjoyment of the one shot.



Elpis0 - "You think it'll last forever: people and cars and concrete. But it won't. One day it's all gone. Even the sky."

Transpanic - "You don't just give up. (...) You have the guts to do what's right when everyone else just runs away."

BlueEyedIridescence - "You need to be careful, because you know the Doctor's wonderful and he's brilliant, but he's like fire. Stand too close, and people get burned."

BrownEyedWeirdo- "When you run with the Doctor, it feels like it'll never end, but however hard you try you can't run forever."

EvynlinDiae - "You're always going to be afraid, even if you learn to hide it. Fear is like...a companion. A constant companion, always there."



The only exception at the moment will be for Transpanic for having the highest score in the entry round. You will have three extra days to finish your entry. Please PM a link of your story to me once it is posted.

In addition to this, you can PM me any one of your stories and I will promote it to my followers as well as have one of my judges review it, if you'd like.

For everyone else please comment below telling me when you've finished your entry so me and the other judges know to mark it.

Good luck!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2014 ⏰

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