chapter.1: a lot of yelling!!

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“Hey bakubro!” kirishima said walking over to the explosive teen, with his normal
bright smile.
“What the hell do you want redhead?!” Katsuki asked looking at him with a pissed
off look as usual.
Kirishima sighed at his profound language and says “I was wondering do you
wanna hang out with the bakugang after school?” he asked with a slightly
pleading look.
“Go jump of a building into your own grave.” Kacchan says looking at him with a
threatening look.
“ common bakubro please you never hang out with us!” Kirishima said
“Pay me,” he says looking serious.
“What the fu- ugh much?” Kirishima asked
“Will Deku be there?” Kacchan asks Kirishima.
Kirishima sighed “answer my question first” the red head said
“20, and if Deku is there make is 50.” he shrugged his shoulders standing up, his
hands in his pockets.
“Okay and no Deku isn’t coming… here and why do you ask bakubro?” Kirishima
said giving him the 20 dollar bill and put his wallet back in his back pocket.
Katsuki took the 20 and looked at the ground thinking, not even listening to what
kirishima said. He looked up at him, noticing he was staring at him.
“Stop staring at me funny!” He said looking at Kirishima, strangely not that upset.
“ you didn’t answer my question and bakubro your hair actually looks
soft!” Kirishima said a little to loud
“Stop calling me bakubro or I will blow your head off!” He said glaring at him.
“ yeah yeah bakubro but your ha-“ Kirishima said but got cut off by mr.Aizawa “
okay class sit down” the tired looking man said getting out of his caterpillar suit
“I am busy talking old man!” Katsuki said looking over at Mr.Aizawa.
Aizawa just looked at bakugou and said “well class is starting, so conversations
over… your here to learn not be having pity conversations” he said with a bored
attitude yet it sounded serious. Katsuki made a ‘hmp’ sound and sat down in his
seat, Kirishima doing the same.
Shouto looked over at Bakugou and Kirishima and sighs.
“What children.” He mumbled.
Bakugou looked back and said “ what was that half and half bastard!?”
“Ice and Fire, not half and half.” Shouto says back looking at him, a cold aura
coming off of him.
“I don’t give a shit of what you want me to call you half and half!” Bakugou said
not enjoying the slight teasing he is getting.
“Huh? My name is shouto that’s it.” He says turning back around looking forward
at Mr.Aizawa.
“What the fuck is your problem, you think you can talk back to me!?” Bakugou
said letting off some explosions and getting ready to charge at Shoto like a pussy
cat. (Aizawa just doesn’t give a fuck of what’s happening xD)(Lol I know right.)
Denki looks over at Bakugou.
And he says “ calm down bakugou..” with caution of not knowing that this might
be his last day to live.
“One more word out of any of you nerds mouths and I will kill you all!” He says
basically yelling.
“Okay this is getting boring and obnoxious to watch, sit down now and will you
listen to me for once” Aizawa says using his quirk to stop bakugou from using his
“Dam you faggot faced hobo!” Bakugou says smirking.
“Ugh bakugou sit the hell down will you and shut i-“ mrAizawa said but was cut
off by the door bursting open to see a broccoli head that looked like a mess. His
hair was even more curly and messy (if that was possible) and his tie was
undone and his buttoms on his shirt weren’t button properly.and the noise of the
door make bakugou make an adorable shriek and fall off of his desk.
As Bakugou was on the ground he says, “Slut!” And smirks.
Everyone in the class looked at him and said “what The fuck!” And so did
“Shut it!” He says getting up a small blush on his cheeks, but no one could see
the blush on his face.
From hiding his face, he plopped down in his seat and izuku was fixing himself
up and walked to his seat. Izuku looked at Katsuki, he had his face in his arms.
(not literally)
“Stop looking at me bastard…” he said (smashing his head on the desk face
first.)(no jk)
Getting more embarrassing. “How could you tell.” izuku says siting in his desk
trying to fix his hair.
Denki looks at Izuku.
“Hey if you want some help there I can electrocute you so your hairs stands
straight up so you can fix it easily.” Denki says smirking.
“Ummmm… no thank you I’m okay..” izuku says, as Aizawa was getting sick and
tired of the brats…
“May I start the goddamn lesson?” Aizawa asks the class, looking at Bakugou.
“Okay good, now you will be going to the battle grounds and we will be doing
something” mr Aizawa said
The class was filled with joy except for the people who didn’t want to do this…
(End of chapter 1)

(Enjoy the first chapter... or dont... idk... well i hope you liked it cause chapter two should be coming soon!)

(Also the things with  () are just like ideas or thoughts on what we wanted to put... or things just to make it funny... anyway have fun..)

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