Intro :)

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Todoroki Shouto just HAD to come to your high school. This was partly your mom's fault because she knew you had a crush on him when you were like 9, so she thought it would be a good idea to send Todoroki to the same school as you, thinking she was doing you a favor. News flash mom! I'm not 9 anymore!

Your mom works close with Todoroki's father, so when Todoroki decided he wanted to go to a public high school for his 18th birthday, your mom was already filling out papers for him.

What she didn't know though, is that the two of you dated for exactly 1 year, and 3 months (not that you were counting) until you found out he had been cheating on you with some bimbo he had met at a photo shoot.

Their relationship had lasted about 3 weeks until you found out. It really surprised you, because you thought he wasn't the type to cheat, so you wondered what brought him to do it. You never asked why,
because you didn't think you could handle the answer.

To sum it up, it kinda crushed your heart. Of course you didn't let it show, but for a while you were constantly questioning what you did wrong until you realized that none of it was your fault. That nameless girl (which you found out later was named Nicky) he cheated on you with, could have him. She was just taking out your trash.

So yeah, you could say that you were a little mad that your last year of high school was going to be ruined by your ex.

That's okay though, you were going to give him the same hell he put you through.

Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice, oh wait, you can't.

I'm back and kicking with another story :)

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