Chapter VIII

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The Mandalorian, the sniper, and the other soldier entered the bridge of the Vindicator. Lord Solvus was watching Commander Cravern, who'd been tied to a chair. Cravern had a black eye and a bloody nose. A handful of other officers were kneeling on the ground, with Hand troopers holding blaster rifles to their heads.

The Mandalorian approached Lord Solvus. "The baradium detonators are set," he said. "We'll be ready to blow this ship to pieces when we get the order."

"Excellent," replied Lord Solvus. "I can assure you that Clan Zharkan will be rewarded handsomely for their service to the Hand."

The Mandalorian nodded. "We'd better be. And you still have to help us destroy Clan Keldo when all this is over."

Lord Solvus nodded. "Of course."


Nine Republic frigates suddenly emerged from hyperspace on the Vindicator's right flank. Master Sykon and Master Akuuno were on board one of them.

"There's the Shadow's Fleet," said Master Sykon. "Let's hope we're not too late. Launch all fighters immediately!"


The sniper watched as a large Republic fleet entered the system and began attacking the Shadow's Fleet. Lord Solvus looked at the sniper curiously.

"What is it, Lieutenant Slovar?" he asked.

"My lord," said Slovar. "The Republic has brought reinforcements. They're attacking the Fist."

Moments later, someone entered the bridge, carrying a double-bladed lightsaber with bright yellow blades. It was Tylin.

"You didn't think I was out of this fight, did you?" yelled Tylin from across the room. Lord Solvus, Slovar, the Mandalorian and the other soldier turned around and saw him. "I'm giving you one chance to surrender, Lord Solvus."

Solvus ignited his lightsaber. "I will never surrender to a worm like you!" he yelled back. In a roar of rage, Solvus leaped down to the middle of the room, poised for battle. Tylin jumped down to meet him. The two raised their blades, charging at one another. Tylin swept his saberstaff at Solvus' feet, but missed as Solvus jumped up and over his head. Tylin quickly turned around, raising his saberstaff just in time to parry Solvus' counterattack. The two of them locked their blades together, trying to push each other back unsuccessfully.

"I should have killed you when I had the chance," growled Solvus. "Now, I will crush you, Jedi."

The soldier with Slovar and the Mandalorian waved to the Hand troopers guarding the surviving crew members. "Execute them," he said.

"Yes, Captain Talbar," replied one of the troopers. The troopers raised their rifles, pointing them at the officers' heads. One by one, they fired. In seconds, the few dozen survivors laid dead on the floor.

Tylin looked behind him at the helm of the bridge as the officers were gunned down. "No!" he shouted. He turned back to Solvus. "Those men and women were defenseless! There was no need to kill them!"

Solvus grinned devilishly. "Their deaths mark your failure," he sneered. Solvus pulled his lightsaber away, then continued slashing at Tylin. The two of them resumed crossing blades.

Suddenly, Captain Talbar grunted and fell to the floor. A small, sizzling hole was in his back. Commander Cravern stood with a blaster pistol in his hand, somehow free of his restraints. He shot Slovar in the back as well, killing him. The Mandalorian turned around, drawing his twin pistols. He fired six rapid shots at Cravern, who fell to the ground. The Mandalorian reholstered his blasters, then walked over and crouched beside Cravern, who was struggling to breathe. The Mandalorian took off his helmet, setting it on the ground next to him. The man was a white human, with dusty brown hair that matched the color of his armor.

Cravern looked up at the Mandalorian's face as blood trickled from his lips. "No..." he murmured. "Zagado? You... You betrayed us."

Zagado looked down at Cravern. "No. You betrayed me. I fought in the Republic Special Forces for years. I was a captain. But when the Empire sacked Coruscant, they didn't just target the Jedi Temple or the Senate Tower. They went for civilians, too. They killed my wife and baby boy. I had lost all faith in your damned Republic. And what did the Senate do? They signed a blasted treaty, instead of fighting back. My family is dead, and for what? They died in vain. So, I have become something greater, something more. I am Zagado Zharkan of Clan Zharkan... I am a Mandalorian. I fight for honor and glory, things the Republic clearly didn't have."

Cravern coughed a bit, spitting out some blood. "Mandalorians... Are nothing but a group of misguided warriors. They fight to benefit themselves, not a greater good."

Zagado pulled one of his pistols out, holding it to Cravern's forehead. "It's too late. I'll see you in hell." He pulled the trigger.

Meanwhile, Tylin and Solvus were still engaged in an intense lightsaber duel. They were almost at a stalemate; they continued to parry and deflect each other's attacks, never seeming to be able to land a solid blow. Tylin stepped back a moment to catch his breath, and Solvus did the same.

"The anger in your heart," said Tylin. "It tears at you like claws. Deep down, you still know you are nothing but a slave to the Sith. Do you feel it?"

"Feel this!" Solvus screamed. He dashed at Tylin, bashing him in the face with the end of his lightsaber hilt. A split second later, Solvus shoved his lightsaber straight through Tylin's chest. Tylin gasped. He dropped his saberstaff, which automatically deactivated as it left his hand. Solvus pulled his lightsaber out of Tylin's chest, letting him fall to the ground on his back. Solvus looked down at Tylin.

Tylin whispered, "There is no death... There is the Force." His last breath left his lungs, and his eyes closed. Solvus deactivated his lightsaber, hooking back onto his belt. Solvus walked back to the helm of the bridge, seeing Zagado standing there. He had seen everything. Slovar and Talbar were lying dead on the floor, along with Commander Cravern.


Back on the bridge of the Shadow's Fist, Darth Savek stared out the viewport down at the planet Ilum. His anger was quickly rising.

"This battle is taking too long," he grumbled. "Admiral, charge the hypervelocity cannon and target the nearest Republic frigate."

Admiral Senoru nodded, and waved to an ensign to carry out the orders.


On board one of the Republic frigates, Master Vysalia stood at the helm of the bridge, watching the space battle unfold. She peered over at the Shadow's Fist in the distance, its silver hull giving off an eerie shine off the redirected light from Ilum's white landscape. Master Vysalia saw a glowing red circle in the center of the Fist.

"By the Force," she exclaimed. "They're charging up the hypervelocity cannon. Captain, take evasive action, now!"

Suddenly, a beam of red light came streaking towards the frigate. Hitting the frigate's bridge dead-on, the whole ship exploded, sending small pieces of debris in all directions.

On another Republic frigate, Trayko and Azaran watched in horror as Master Vysalia's ship was obliterated.

"Master Vysalia!" shouted Trayko, despite knowing she could not hear him. "Captain, divert auxiliary power to the forward turbolaser cannons. Target the enemy capital ship and open fire!"

Trayko and Azaran's frigate opened fire on the Fist, its green turbolaser cannons blazing through space. The Fist's heavy-duty deflector shields repelled the laser fire as if they were totally harmless. After a few minutes passed, the hypervelocity cannon lit up again, firing another blast at the attacking frigate. Seconds later, Trayko and Azaran joined Master Vysalia in death as their frigate erupted in a fireball.


As Darth Savek watched the two Republic frigates get blown to bits, he smiled.

"Recharge the cannon again and target the next closest vessel," he commanded. "We will crush the enemy, no matter what it takes. In the meantime, I'm going down to Ilum." Five minutes went by, and the hypervelocity cannon fired another shot, destroying another Republic frigate.

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