Ch 12

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They exit the elevator walking out of the building Jr stop and turned around. The other boys stop looking at him. They stared for a whole minute in silence.

"Why were you in my building?" Jr asked

"Uh.." Baekho looked over at Min-Hyun

"Well.." Min-Hyun looked at Aaron

"We wanted to know why you broke it off with Ren, you know? We were there when you broke it off through text" Aaron stated shrugging his shoulders

"But I never broke things off! If I did I would never do it over text only bitches do that!" Jr yelled at them

"Hey! How would we know it was your number!" Aaron yelled back

"My.. I haven't used my dam phone for weeks! If you have already notice I'm an artist and become busy!" Jr yelled

"Guys shouldn't we go talk with Ren?" Min-Hyun tried to clam things down

"You know what, yes I should you guys came all the way here go all the way back! I'm heading out first" Jr damned

The three boys looked shocked as Jr's car was already behind him, Cosmo walked out from the drivers seat with a bright smile "here is your car sir" he stated standing next to Jr.

"Thank you Cosmo take care if the office bye" Jr replied walked around and getting inside of the car. Driving away the boys crossed their arms staring at Cosmo who was confused.

"Did I do something wrong?" He asked

"Yes!" Aaron yelled

"No you didn't Cosmo" Min-Hyun reassured him

"We should leave them alone" Baekho stated

"Alright.. come on in we have a waiting room it's comfortable" Cosmo replied walking back inside the building. The three nodded and followed him inside.

Jr basically drove to Ren's apartments like a maniac. Finally arriving he parked and rushed out of the car, his cheeks were heated up as he walked up the stairs. Jr took a deep breath as he knocked on the door.

He waited with no answer

Jr knocked again with more force.

He waited again.. with no answer

"That's it! Ren! Ren! Come open this door!" Jr yelled banging on the door

After a while the door unlocked, Jr stepped back as the door was opened Ren stood there in the same clothes he has on weeks ago, under bags lower than a grandma's wrinkles, skin pale like the snow his eyes looked lost. Jr stood there in stock as they meet eyes..

"Jr? What's up? Haven't heard from you since you broke it off" Ren's voice sounded weak and low

"Ren, I didn't break anything off I've been busy doing my new album.. why would I ever wanna break up with you.." Jr replied walking closer to him

"Stop lying.. I've heard enough.." Ren replied stepping back

"Ren I'm not! I'm telling the truth! I've been in the office, studio and been practicing my dances moves! I would never want to leave you!" Jr pleated

"Stop.. Jonghyun.. my heart can't take it any more.." Ren looked away as they both walked inside the apartment.

"No you'll listen to me here and now" Jr replied as he closed the door with lock turning back to look at him, his eyes were focused and serious. Ren looked away from his stare, nodding to agree.

Jr reached out grabbing a hold of Ren, cupping his face with his hands they stared at each other. Jr smiled softly

"Ren. I never broke up with you. I've been so busy and any time I had tried to I always end up having something to do.." Jr explain to him

"But..your was your phone" Ren replied to him tears forming

"That wasn't me, it was this women from my office that saw us together. My guess she texted you when I was off doing something. I fired her..." Jr replied

"R..really?" Ren questioned looking away

Jr sighed as he pulled Ren closer playing his lips against his, Ren was shocked but kissed back. The kiss was gentle and full of love slowly getting rougher becoming passionate. After a while of kissing Ren pulled back blushing.

"W..wait I haven't showered! I'm all dirty.. we shouldn't do it right now.." Ren explain

"Let's shower together then" Jr replied

Ren's eyes widen as Jr started to drag him towards the bathroom, trying to pull away Ren was turning dark red.

"Wa.. wait! Jr I- h..hold on!" Ren tried to stop him

"Let's go, it's not like I haven't seen you naked" Jr replied

To Be Continue

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