Wings of Emotions Vol II

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Splendid poems in this volume take you to a new level of voice that deserves to be heard from the depth of consciousness. A profound testament to unconditional love, loss and hope, this free flowing verse paints a picture of the first breathless moments of new love to the heartache of letting go. Each word is a swath of elegance and grace that will linger in the halls of your memory for years to come. 


A layer of indefinite reason entangled in the cob-web of illusion,

A mystical wrap of vitality glowed in the land of grief beyond hope,

The mirth of soul dragging you towards the edge surrounded by lies,

The waves of emotions sweeping you away from the garden of memories,

The deepest dark secrets lay lifeless in the solitude of forbearance,

The effortless promises rest soulless in the magnitude of resemblance,

The ebb beyond the tides of jealousy lay endless in the eyes of his pretentiousness,

The step on the path and the kinship of soul left her a secret that wandered through the unnatural quake of dismay.


I promised myself to never wink at you,

I swore to myself to never look at you.

I promised myself to never fall for you,

I swore to myself to never let my soul fill up to the brim for you.

I promised myself to never cloud my senses with love for you,

I swore to myself to never yearn for the pines of love.


Make every craving an inspiration

Make every inspiration a stepping stone

Make every stepping stone a moment

Make every moment a memory

Make every memory a mile

Make every mile a possibility

Make every possibility a reality

Make every reality a dream

Make every dream a doer.

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