Izuku Midoriya x Reader: Progress

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 Requested by MagicalCinnabun!

A/N: This was really fun to write. ^v^ I was happy I got this request because I had been wanting to write more Izu after I finished the Shouto/Reader/Izuku fic. Kinda got stuck for a bit, but I pulled through in the end. Hope you enjoy some lovely heart squeeze! <3  

"Good luck, Izuku!" You cheered at the TV that was showing said boy stretching in his new suit he got during his internship.

"Umm, (name), you know he can't hear you right?" Uraraka said with a puffed smile, holding back a chortle.

Of course, you knew that, but that wasn't going to stop you from cheering on your dorky boyfriend. Besides, you probably needed this more than he did. In truth, your whole body was tense with nervousness, each muscle fidgeting with worry. All the times you had seen Izuku use his quirk, it'd always lead to a damaging recoil to his body. You hated seeing him bloody and bruised. It hurt you just as much as it hurt him (debatable).

Your heart immediately sank as soon as All Might signaled for the rescue training to start, your eyes intently glued to the screen as you waited for a shot of Izuku to show up. When it finally did, everyone's jaws practically hit the floor (save for Bakugo who was gritting his teeth rather aggressively). Izuku was using his quirk without dealing a single scratch to his body! It was incredible seeing him leap from the various pipes and infrastructure to reach his goal. The green-hued lightning radiating from him body filled you with a certain hope and no doubt pride. Still, there was another feeling under all that that confused you some, but you let it go for now.

Once the test ended, you ran up the somewhat disappointed teen and caught him in a surprise bear hug,

"Izuku! I'm so proud of you!"

Izuku blushed wildly, a rosy red covering his freckles as he stammered on his words,

"Ah, well, thanks, but I didn't win," he said, his voice dipping in disappointment.

You grinned and looked up at the boy who was now as bright as his shoes,

"I meant your quirk, silly. You've really improved, Izu..."

Izuku frantically scratched his frazzled head of hair, his big green eyes darting to and fro to avoid your own,

"Aw, gee, (name), t-thanks...!"

You giggled at his adorable antics, but your smile soon dimmed when your mind began to wander back to that wavering feeling. What had you done to improve your skills during your internship? You were just about the same as when you went into that small hero agency. It just...didn't feel right.

"(name)?" Izuku's soft voice broke you from your thoughts,

"You ok?"

You smiled, pushing those thoughts from your mind,

"Yeah, I'm fine!" you released Izuku from your hold, "I'd better get ready. I'm next!"

With that, you buried your doubts and let them accumulate into something that was like a dark, swirling cloud hidden within the pits of your stomach. As finals rolled around, these feelings grew ever more prominent. A deep, uncomfortable tightening developing in your chest every time you were near Izuku or even looked at him. Still, you forced a smile and pretended everything was fine...when it wasn't.


The humid summer heat stuck to Izuku's freckled cheeks while his white t-shirt clung to his body more than he liked. Despite his discomfort, Izuku recognized these conditions were perfect for working out.

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