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A/N: Just take this as the background information...

Fan Zexian was 14 when a man picked him up from the orphanage, claiming to be his father. Zexian, a person who had lived alone and survived alone for 14 years, was obviously wary of the man. However, once the man's blood test and paper work came back true, despite what Zexian may think, the orphanage happily gave him up.

The man brought Zexian to a luxury mansion in a rich neighborhood and as they arrived he continuously told Zexian of how sorry he was to have waited this long and that he wanted to get his life together first and made sure that he could care for Zexian before he brought him in...etc..etc.

Upon entering the huge home, in addition to a father, Zexian gained a stepmother and a stepsister.

Zexian was wary of them at first, after all, being in the orphanage, he has heard numerous recounts of the horror of stepmothers and step-siblings torturing people. However, after being cautious for two whole years and seeing that nothing had happened, Zexian scolded himself for having such thoughts.

'I should have never assumed such bad things about them, when they are nothing but nice to me!' Zexian cursed himself and then whole heartily accepted Feng Minan as his mother and Feng Alexa as his sister.

Life was decent after then. Even after his father passed when Zexian was 18, his life was still okay. Both Feng Minan and Alexa treated him well.

Even when the apocalypse came, they all stuck together to escape and made it to a safe ground. Zexian really felt that these two people cared about him. So when he discovered a Zombie cure, Zexian eagerly tested and experiment every single day to make sure there were no horrible side effects. On the day where his tests finally concluded, Zexian was eager to share it with his stepmother and stepsister. However, who would have thought that on that day, Zexian would be frame with stealing supplies, killing fellow members and digging out their core, and poisoning the limited water supply. Zexian of course protested, but no one believed him. Everyone at the Safe Ground motioned for Zexian to be tied up and thrown into a crowd of zombies.

When Zexian broke free and attempted to escape, --Bang-- Bang-- Bang-- Zexian was mercilessly shot in head by Feng Alexa, the person he thought was his family.

As Zexian unwillingly passed away in that life, when he managed to open his eyes again, he found himself back in the year 3011, exactly two years before the apocalypse.

Of course, when Zexian first woke up, he was ecstatic to be alive and thought that the whole betrayal, death, and apocalypse was just a horrible nightmare. But as he monitored the events in the following days, he realized that wasn't just a dream. Somehow, someway, Zexian was literally given a second chance to do his life over.

A/N: Comment, vote, etc...

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