Chapter 10

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The sheriff sits alone in his office, too depressed to do anything. The love of his life turned out to be a murderer, and the man he thought was out to get him, was actually trying to protect him from her.

The whole police station is quiet. Every officer in the building knew how much the sheriff loved Mary, so they know how hard it must have been for him to lock her away.

The door of the station flings open and a large man in a flowing trench coat enters in. The smell of cigar smoke stuck on him like a moth to a light, his stench was thick and it wafts heavily throughout the building.

"Where is your sheriff, boy?" The man speaks with a thick and heavy accent as he looks down at Bob, whom is at least half the size of him.

"He's in his office, sir." Bob replies, pointing to the sheriff's office while looking up at the man he would classify as a giant. "Do you want me to tell him that you're here, sir?" He asks, not sure how the sheriff would act to having company after what had happened.

"Hmm." The large man thinks for a moment, before nodding his head. "Alright, but don't take too long. I have something important to talk with him about."

"Please feel free to take a seat in our waiting room." Bob guides the man's attention towards a row of chairs that were leaning against a wall.

The man nods to Bob, as if to just shrug him off in hopes that he quickly goes to inform the sheriff of the man's presence. Bob smiles softly at the man and then slides over to the Sheriff's office. He knocks precisely three times on the door before opening it a crack.

"Sheriff, sir, there's someone here to see you." Bob calls into the sheriff's office, he made his voice into almost a soft whisper as he didn't want to appear as though he were forcing the sheriff to meet with the man.

"Tell whoever it is that I'm not here, I don't want any visitors." The sheriff groans, his head low as he is lost within his own mind, thoughts of the now solved case swirling around in his head.

"But he says he has something important to tell you." Bob replies with a bit of hesitation in his voice, he didn't really want to reject the giant, nor did he want to go against his boss' order.

"Fine." The sheriff sighs lightly and rolls his eyes as he turns his chair around to face his desk. "Bring him in."

"Yes sir." Bob nods and turns around to retrieve the man, but as he spun around, the man was already standing behind him. "U-Uh you can go in now." Bob stutters while moving out of the way, the giant truly terrified the man.

The grizzly man pushes the door further open than Bob had had it at. He sternly walks into the sheriff's office and quite literally pulls up a chair to sit in, across from the sheriff sitting at his desk.

"Do you know who I am, boy?" The man asks as he raises a brow and strokes his bearded chin casually.

"Yes sir," the sheriff nods as his eyes look up to meet the man's. "You're the head detective in San Francisco. You're quite famous around here." He nods his head slowly as he speaks.

"Am I? Interesting. But that's not why I'm here. I heard you solved quite a mighty case." The giant man leans his left elbow upon his left thigh. "I've come to offer you a job, working as my assistant. And who knows, maybe you'll be as famous as me one day!" The man lets out a chuckle, he was truly impressed by how the sheriff handled his case.

"I don't know, sir." The sheriff looks down at his desk for a moment before looking back at the man sitting in front of him. "I don't know if I can leave this town, they're my family."

"I understand, boy." A smile appears upon the man's face as he leans back in his seat. "If ye ever change yer mind. Here's me card." The man reaches into his coat, pulls out a matte coated, rectangular piece of cardstock and hands it to the sheriff.

"Thank you, sir. I'll definitely consider it." The sheriff takes the card and smiles at the man. The large man then stands and exits the office, but he stops in the frame of the door and turns a bit towards the sheriff.

"I know you'll make this town one of the best towns ever known." The man smiles at the sheriff and then leaves the station.

The sheriff looks down at the man's card that he now held in his hands. A slight smile forming as he thinks about what the man said. "I'll make this town legendary." He nods his head slowly before a cough at his door breaks his train of thought.

"Sir." Bob catches the sheriff's attention and makes him look up at the man, "it's almost time for miss Betty's celebration. Do you want to accompany me to it?" Bob asks softly, clearing his throat a bit as he speaks.

"I'd be glad to accompany you to the celebration of Miss Betty's life." The sheriff smiles towards Bob, "just let me get my coat and I'll be out in a bit."

"Alright, sir." Bob smiles back at the sheriff and leaves to let the sheriff get ready and to also get ready himself.

The sheriff rises from his seat and walks over to the coat stand that held his coat, he stops for a moment to look at the photograph of him, Mary, and Will, that still hung nearly upon his wall.

"You three were so cute in that picture." A sudden voice makes the sheriff jump, he turns around to see Betty floating beside him.

"Ah... uh... I guess..." the sheriff shrugs a bit, not really knowing how to respond. "So what are you doing here, aren't you supposed to be through the light or something?"

"I don't know, probably." Betty shrugs heavily, "but I decided that I would stay around here for a while, maybe help some other wandering spirits find their happily ever after first, like you did with me." She smiles brightly, staring at the photograph on the wall.

"Oh, so I guess I'll be seeing you around, then?" The sheriff curiously looks at the girl, raising a brow and smirking lightly as he does.

"Oh most definitely!" She exclaims, "besides, I'll still need your help to solve their cases!" Betty smiles widely towards the man.

The sheriff smiles softly at the child as he pulls his coat off of the rack and put it on him.

"Sounds like a lot of fun that you have planned for the future. Are you sure you can handle it?" The sheriff teases the spirit lightly.

"With you by my side, anything is possible." Betty smiles at the Sheriff, her eyes sparkle with joy.

The sheriff smiles warmly and then puts on his cap as he heads towards the door.

"Thank you, mister Sheriff." Betty whispers softly before she slowly fades away.

"Goodbye, Betty...." The sheriff's smoke remains upon his face as he looks around his offices before leaving it to meet up with Bob.

The sheriff steps out of the building and looks out to the white winter wonderland before him. He looks up and his eyes gaze at the magnificent sight of white flurries falling from the darkened night sky. Snow. Just like the night that started this all. The sheriff thinks to himself while he holds out his hands to catch the falling flakes.

"Sheriff." Bob gently lays a hand upon the man's shoulder. "We don't have to go if you aren't ready." A warm smile forms slowly upon the short man's face. The sheriff snaps out of his phase and turns his head towards his friend beside him.

"No, I am fine. I promise." The sheriff smiles softly towards the man, trying to hide his pain behind it. "Besides, I need to go. It wouldn't be right if I didn't show up, it might appear disrespectful." The sheriff tries to explain while hiding behind his figurative mask.

"I'm sure they'll understand, knowing what happened and all." Bob tries to reassure the sheriff so he would not feel bad about missing the celebration.

"I'm fine, why don't you go on ahead and I'll catch up." The sheriff widens his smile towards the man.

"Alright." Bob walks on ahead, leaving the sheriff alone.

The sheriff watches Bob walk away and then turns around to look towards the Roberts' residence.

"I really did love you." Mary's voice echoes through his head and the corners of his mouth curl up a bit.

"I know." He shoves his hands into his pockets and walks away.

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