The Rantings Of A Devout Atheist

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"(my name) stand up now", I am worried now. I had up to that point been reading a poorly written work of fiction I had found on a shelf in front of my seat. Funny that I could read about two daughters raping their father at a so called family occasion. The book was title The Bible and it was as boring as the name would indicate. A much more accurate name would be The Babble because most of it is dull rambling and an overblown plot. My father was not there, as usual. I was thankful for this because that meant at least one person in my family didn't worship the complete garbage that my mother attests to. I stood up but I refused to sing the ditty that had been offered to me. I could care less. I could care less about Joseph and Mary. I had absolutely no interest in some baby. Who was most likely the author of The Bible by the looks of it. By the end of the blind worship I was glad to leave, I had read another perverse and sickening chapter of The Bible and that can set anyones stomach on a loop. The only thing I discovered in myself is that I can't stand poorly written fiction. Most of all I had found out that people worshipped this book as fact; needless to say that frightened me. It scared me more than any physical danger, it was the awareness that most of the world was wrong. There is no god, nor any higher power, and saying otherwise simply lowers my opinion of the person claiming such nonsense. I understand that no one is going to care, but I implore them to simply search for facts; but this time don't look in a poorly written work of fiction that claims that a virgin had a child that was the son of an immortal being who impregnated her with his mind.

I've never been much of a fan of holidays. To be honest i've never been much of a fan of anything deemed traditional, but what really bites me is religious holidays. The sheer fact that a holiday would be turned into a commercial endeavor is bad enough, but in cases such as Christmas: it's taking a stupid idea to begin with and creating a corporation.

God isn't real. It is not my opinion; it is fact.

"But... what about The Bible", some will shout.

"Complete fiction"

"But there has to be something"

"No there doesn't".

I wouldn't force anyone into my beliefs but I'd at least try and inform others. This is part of the reason I especially dislike Christmas; on Christmas eve I am made to go to a church to worship some guy who died a millenia ago. And while I understand that it is nowhere near as horrific as having to go to church every Sunday, considering my view on religion is currently "Stupidity, idiocy and lies"; I hardly think it's appropriate that I would go to church. Church is where people learn to give up their rights and lives for no apparent reason. Such as my right to spend my Christmas eve the way I want to instead of being forced into a cult like culture that teaches impressionable children that "homosexuality will send you to hell", that "premarital sex is sinful", and that anyone who says otherwise is best friends with satan. The juiciest bit of hypocrisy comes from the fact that it's alright for a christian to claim that they don't date atheists but it's politically incorrect to say that you don't date christians. Or for that matter any religion, islam, judaism, hinduism, buddhism. The double standard that has been created of atheism: bad; religious: good is a sickening one. In an anti-communist speech that Mccarthy gave he claimed that instead of his fight being purely against communism, instead it seemed he was claiming that the atheistic nature of the Soviets was the true motivation for his war. Truly this bias that stems all the way back to the 1950's and possibly even further back which leads me to the points I am trying to make: Why is it that so many people are religious and why is it "bad" to be atheist.

Religion is a very common theme throughout human existence and it (unfortunately) persists in popular culture today. Here's a question: In the unlikely case that some kind of god exists, why are there so many religions? Shouldn't this guy be telling everyone to follow one religion? If all other religions are in league with satan then isn't more of the world in league with satan than with god?.

The answer is "because god isn't real; it's only people attempting to create stupid reasons out of thin air in an attempt to explain phenomena".

Richard Dawkins once said "I don't despise religious people; I despise what they stand for", And I can't agree more. I have many religious friends so it's hard to "despise them", but I hate the fact that even they were tricked into believing falsehoods when science so clearly proves them wrong. It's hard not to become concerned about their mental state when they believe in such utter garbage.

I hate tradition. And nothing will change that. Not even some stupid book.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Nov 27, 2018 ⏰

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