It Wasn't A Dream

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I walked the heavily snowy path down the road. White snow covers the forest floor. You can hear the muffled sounding footsteps through the thick snow. The sky so clear, you can almost imagine that you are in heaven. I smiled. Wishing it'll last, but I know it won't Stopping at a halt, I looked far out into the horizon, thinking of the future holds. Far away from civilization, isolated. Running away from a dark past. The only way to do it is to face your fears. Maybe, the day after tomorrow, I'll have a future. Maybe. Wishing. Stop. Wishing is for children. Focus Anya. A hand gently touched my shoulder that snapped me out of my yonder. Scared the living hell out of me. I turned. Pierre.

"Anya," Pierre started, "you coming?"

"Yeah, I'm coming." I answered.

I stopped my gaze and continued on my journey.

We kept on walking forward. My eyes still gazing at the sky. It had already changed. The sky is now covered with orange-reddish colors. It decorated the sky. The sun began to set in the horizon, as night began to fall. Without warning, Pierre came to a screeching halt. He stopped. He looks confused. He turned towards me.

"Anya?" he asked.


"I think we're at the wrong side." He said, hesitated.

I stared at him blankly, "I'm sorry, what?!"

"We're at the wrong side of the Akhemrovsky forest!" he shouted, his voice echoed in the distance.

Дерьмо (Der'mo). We took a wrong turn.

"Well, it's too late to turn back now Pierre." I said, "If we go back now, the Bolsheviks might be behind us."

Pierre sighed, I can tell he doesn't want to continue. But in this circumstance, we have the best option to just continue on. No other way. We gathered up our courage and walked into the forest.

When we entered the forest, the sky changed almost immediately, setting a tone of what could lie ahead. I turned dark and cold. The wind changed, it was no longer a breeze, it was violent and cruel. The day has end, and the night had just begun. The once winter wonderland, turned to place of darkness and nightmares. Thick and heavy snow began to pour from the sky, covering the forest floors. Our visions almost blinded. We kept on going, no matter what it takes. For freedom. For our future. Honestly by this point, I wasn't sure if you could even make it to the other side. The air was cold and rough. It brushed against our bare skin, uncovered by the clothing we wore. Our teeth chattered, our hands clenching on our coats for dear life. We shivered through out the walk, as the it continues to violently snow.

After hours of walking, the snow began to slowly to stop. We decided to stop and take a rest for the night. We were both exhausted and famished. The snowing has stopped, the landscape, covered in thick, white snow. I laid my bag on the ground to rest. Pierre already took out some wood for the fire. After eating a little bit of food, we slept for the night.

I didn't know what came into me, but at twilight, I jolted awake. I was gasping for air. The fire already went out. I tried lighting it, but it doesn't work. I crawled quietly to the other side to wake Pierre up. But it was empty! He wasn't there! He's gone. Crap. I took out my lantern and tried to search for traces of footsteps. I circled around the base and finally found it. I followed it.
"Pierre?" I shouted into the darkness.

No answer.

"Pierre?" I shouted even louder.

Still no answer. I was starting to worry. But I heard something form the distance. A voice. Someone singing. It's like a hum of a song I know. A lullaby. A mother's lullaby. That's odd. No one was here. I continued to follow the footsteps, which made the singing even louder. I found a hat, covered with snow. I picked it up and recognized. Pierre's. My face went white. I bolted towards wherever the footsteps lead.

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