Ch.11 The demon of chaos

Start from the beginning

*A few minutes later*

*Cherri's P.O.V*

I walked downstairs and saw Lizzie glaring towards me angrily.

"Let. Me. Down. NOW"!

Her eyes were red like flames. I could tell she changed. Her emotions were different than before. I walked over and released her from her chains. She ran over and kissed Don on the lips. Don was surprised.

"Don! I'm sorry! I wish I realized sooner that Ciara was manipulating me. Please take me back"!

"Of course baby. But what'll you do about her"?

"That's easy. I'm going to kill her".

"Perfect idea. Mind if I join in"?

"Oh, I'd love for you to join me in my mission".

"That's great but you'll have to wait a bit".

"And why is that"?

"The answer is simple. You have to train to become stronger and reach the full powers of your relic".

"I'm strong enough to face that weakling without the full powers of my relic".

"Not if she has a relic herself".

"What! Who would want that weakling to hold a relic"!?

"The goddess of creation herself... Lilith Formelia".

"That damn goddess! How dare she"!

*Ciara's P.O.V*

I woke up too screaming again.

"Lizzie... I hope you're okay".

Lilith: "I think she is dealing with some kind of trouble. The faster we help you master the relic of creation the faster we can help her".

"I know it just... Seems like a lot of responsibility is getting placed on my shoulders. Will I even be able to do it? I think you might be better off finding someone else Lilith".

Lilith: "The relic chose you Ciara. You are the relics next keeper. You must train to reach it's potential. I know you can do it. You just have to believe and have faith in yourself. You withhold the skills and ability to do it. You yourself just have to awaken it".

"Thank you for the pep talk Lilith. I'll try my best".

Lilith: "Get some more rest. When you awaken the dimension should be complete".

"Ok then. Goodnight Lilith".

Lilith: "Goodnight Ciara".

I closed my eyes and allowed myself to take a nap. It'll be a while before my appointment with Donavin and Jaxton.

*Lilith's P.O.V*

I continued to finish up the dimension I was creating. It's taking a lot longer than I'd hoped and it's taking a lot of energy out of me. I sensed some powerful magic activating earlier. The magic seemed... Familiar to me but I can't explain why... Perhaps it was someone I've known in a previous life...

*???'s P.O.V*

Oh it's that and more... My dear little sister.... Lilith.

*???'s P.O.V (A goddess)*

Many years ago a goddess fell in love with a demon from the underworld. Since they're love was forbidden on both sides both of them sealed away they're powers so they wouldn't be discovered and started to live amongst the humans. They eventually married and the goddess was soon to give birth to two daughters. The goddess and demon we're ecstatic, they could hardly wait for they're two girls to arrive on Earth. The gods from above had different plans for the two children and they're parents. For when the two children were born one was born with light in her heart the other darkness. The daughter born with darkness was named Rosemary and her younger sister was named Lilith. The mother became fearful of what would happen to her children so the father came up with an idea. The father would take Rosemary and raise her by himself while the mother would hold onto Lilith. The father vowed not to mention anything to his daughter about her mother and little sister. It stayed that way for a while until a war struck out between the gods and devil's. The husband and wife refused to kill one another. The daughter became infuriated once she found out the truth and killed both her mother and father. Lilith horrified by her older sisters actions stole her mother's relic and used it to seal away her sisters powers. Then went off into hiding. The two were fated to battle again when they were older although this time with two different vampire clans. The forces of both sides were strong but ultimately good prevailed but not without a price. The two sisters died in battle both becoming spirits guarding they're two parents relics waiting for another person to be suited to use the power of the two relics...

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