Chapter 6 - Mysteries Understood

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After he finished getting gas, he pulled his truck into an empty parking space at a 24/7 restaurant. While they were waiting for their food, Undertaker went outside to take a call. About 10 minutes later, he came back inside and made his way to the table alongside a chorus of gasps and awestruck gazes, mostly from the women. Most of the looks from the men were looks of mere anger and rage, either because they were fans of his nemesis Stone Cold or because they thought that he had put his hands on his intoxicatingly beautiful companion. Just as he sat down at their table, the waiter appeared with their food and drinks. Right in the middle of their meal two female fans and one male fan interrupted them.

"Aren't you The Undertaker from the WWF? the first female asked.

"Yes I am, this is my co-worker, and I would be happy to sign autographs when we're finished eating, if that's okay with you." Undertaker replied.

"Of course, thank you so much." The second female piped in.

The two female returned to their booth leaving the male fan still standing by Undertaker and Skylas table.

"Is there something I can help you with?" Skyla asked.

"Well, I noticed the bruises on your arms and I..." he started but was cut off by Skyla when she saw the look on Undertaker's face.

"Now I know what yer thinkin' and what yer tryin' to imply and I hate to burst yer bubble but he..." pointing to Undertaker, "didn't give me these bruises. I got these from wrestling in some of my practice matches."

"I'm sorry to have bothered you then." He replied turning to go.

"Why don't you take this," she said to him taking a pen out of her purse and signing a clean napkin and handed it to the male fan, "and I would very much appreciate it if you didn't mention this to anyone period, okay."

"Got it, thank you and again I'm sorry for assuming about your bruises." He replied gingerly taking the autographed napkin.

"Yer welcome and it's okay, just ask next time don't assume, okay." She said.

"I will do that." He replied and then returned to his booth.

They finished their meal, Undertaker paid the bill leaving a tip and then signed some autographs and then they got into his truck and headed back onto the highway. When they were about thirty minutes from his fathers house, he let her know.

"Does he know you're coming?" she asked.

"Actually he knows that the both of us are coming. I called him right after I got of the phone with Andrew and told my father about our little situation." He replied.

"Andrew called you, what fer?" she asked a little scared.

"It's alright, Andrew told me what Austin said and I told Andrew that we'll meet up with him three hours before the show at a Carl's Jr. if that's alright with you." He suggested.

"Yeah that's alright with me, but I think just so that Steve doesn't throw a fit and cause a scene you should either show up and hour before us or half an hour after us, if that's cool with you." She replied relaxing.

"That sounds like a plan to me." He said.

"I know this is most likely a stupid question, but what is yer real name?" She asked as he took the final turn in the road to his fathers house.

"It's not a stupid question at all. My real name is Mark Callaway," he replied, "Now Skyla Stone is your real name right or is it just your wrestling name?"

"Skyla is my wrestling name as well as my middle name." She informed him.

"So what about the last name you've got right now, and what's your real name if you don't mind me asking?" he asked nicely.

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