Wonders of Time.

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"MOM I NEED TO GET TO WORK" I amost yelled. I was going to be late at this rate with her hugging me every other second.

"Okay, okay" she backed away. "Have a good day" She smiled.


"Goodbye sweetie."

As I loaded myself in the car something I had never seen before happened. A line of military trucks and tanks sped down my boring neighborhood road.

"You can't follow them!" I told myself. But my curiosity just made my foot press the gas and turn to go deeper into the subdivision. I followed the military tanks from a distance looking at all the houses on the way. When I got to where they were parked I saw and smelled the pungent odor of smoke. I stepped out of my car and walked up to the crime scene. One of the soliders spotted me and ran over.

"Identify yourself!" He commanded.

"Whisp Eden" I told him. He slammed me against one of the tanks with such force I thought for sure I would pass out.

"Tell us what you know!" He demanded.

"I-I-I dont know anything I-I was just curious." I sputtered. He hit me over the head so hard I must have passed out because that's one of the last things I remember of earth.

I woke up grogily, still by the tank. All the militicians had their guns aimed at the strange object in the middle of their circle of military vehicles. It looked almost like a UFO. At first I thought I was dreaming but my head hurt so I couldn't be. Something even more strange than military tanks driving down my lonely neighborhood road happened. The door to strange looking object opened and out hopped a creature with a somewhat human form. The creature had five fingers one head wore jeans and a t-shirt but there was a little thing about this creature that made it appeal as odd. It was green! The creature walked out of the spaceship and towards me. All of the guns were aimed at it but it didn't seem to mind. He picked me up and carried me slowly back to his spaceship. I wanted to scream and yell for help but I coudn't. I was too petrified to move. The militicians did nothing to stop this. They only stood there with their guns pointed at it. The creature walked into the ship and set me down next to two other of his kind.

"I'm so sorry we had to bring you from the planet you know but you need to know the planet you were born on." With that I couldn't hold it in any longer and I screamed.  They tried to calm me down but it didn't work. I eventually stopped screaming but not breathing hard. They had no choice but to knock me out.

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