"All due respect, Alpha!" He all but spit out. "I would rather burn alive than hurt one hair on her head! How could you even suggest that I…would…" he didn't get to finish as he ran to the wastebasket. I guess he's cool then. If just the thought of her being violated had him vomiting his morning meal.

  "I believe you. Just, please explain." I reassured him after he had righted himself. He wiped at his mouth with a shaky arm, the nodded and took a seat across from my desk. I could tell he was still shaken, or maybe what he was here to talk to me about shook him. He ran his hands through his hair, forgetting about what might still be in his hands. A queer look passed his face as he must have been reminded due to the smell. It seems a second shower was near in his future.

  "I'm not a pedophile, but I am connected with her a little." He answered. I quirked my eyebrow, wanting him to explain himself. He better make it fast. "I think she is my mate." He rushed out. Not one, but two eyebrows went up at that! There have been cases of boys and girls recognizing their mate in a baby or toddler, but usually there were about 14 or 15. Not full grown men. This could prove interesting and problematic, but I needed more information.

  "Explain!" I growled out. But for a bit of DNA, Alyssa was like my daughter, and I would treat her as such.

  Jack's face blanched a bit at my growl. Good.

  "All the signs were there. I smelled something amazing. Honesuckle and lavender. I thought it was the mother at first." I stopped him there with a damn near battlecry. He was quick to finish. "I knew it wasn't her when you cried mate and grabbed her!" I relaxed a bit at that and let him continue. "I looked around, and the only female around was the little one. I didn't want to believe it at first. I felt disgusted with myself. Then I realized I didn't feel anything unnatural. I just wanted to protect her. To make sure she was safe." I relaxed fully at this. He better have good intentions...

  "Continue." I bluntly stated. Forgive me, but my wolf Blaze was feeling a bit protective over her. He quickly nodded, then ran his hand once again through his hair. He pulled it back halfway through when he remembered, but the damage was already done.

  "When I just felt protective, I assumed it was due to the fact she was the Luna's daughter. Y'know? Then, I decided to test the theory. I asked to play with her. My wolf was more than happy, he wanted to be closer to her. He said "Mate's too small, so we will protect her. Make her happy. Playing makes her happy." I still blew it off but when we were playing, she touched my face." He finished. A smile lit over his face causing him to appear a bit younger. I gave a sigh, and shook my head. I had a terrible feeling that Jack was right. That he was Alyssa's mate. I wasn't sure how I felt about it. Happy that in the end she would grow up and be taken care of by a good man. I wouldn't have to worry about teen wolves driven by hormones sniffing around her, that's for sure. They wouldn't live long enough to regret messing with Jack's mate. Then again, I was sad. Sad for Victoria, and sad for myself. She would probably mate and marry this man before she's 19. I wouldn't have that many years with her before she was off making a family of her own. What do you say when you are looking at your, hopefully soon to be your s, daughter's future. The one person who will take her away from our home?


  "I need to speak with the elder's about this. I am glad your intentions are honorable, but I am not quite sure where we go from here." I said. He nodded, knowing that was the best he could hope for right now. I felt for him. Truly I did. I was happy he had found his mate, sad that he would have to wait so long for her. And he would be waiting a while for her. I could gauran-fuckìng-tee it. He stood, holding his hand out. I quickly returned the shake, remebering something.

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