I honked the horn, trying to catch his attention since he was carried away with his phone.

He looked up and I was taken back by how much he looked like me.

He had the same skin complexion, the same eyes.

He was just as confused and shocked as I was but he kept it inside just like I did.

He walked up to the window of my car.

"Hey, I'm Sage."
He said, bringing his right hand forward.

I said while giving him a handshake. (a hood handshake💀)

I unlocked the car doors and he sat in the front seat.

"I didn't know Jillian lived here."
I said while stopping at the stop sign.

"Yeah, we don't want to live here though.. but we have no other option."
He said looking out the window.

"Why's that?"
I asked curiously.

"Money issues. We're broke as you can tell."
He said, while his eyes still looked out the window displaying this disappointed look.

"I never sat in such an expensive car."
He added while his eyes skimmed the interior of the car.

I scanned his fit. Nike.

"You dressed expensive though."
I chuckled.

"My mom keep me fly. Just not herself. She skips meals so I can eat. She wear the same thing to work so I can look good."
He said with the same disappointed expression on his face.

"You know.. that's exactly how my mom was."
I said.

"She was?"
He asked curiously.

"Yeah. She did the same. My parents had separated but I am still close with both."
I said.

"Well ion know my dad. I never met him."
He said.

"But I don't wanna know him. He's a bitch ass for leaving me and my mom alone. If he was here I bet we woulda been living different. I wouldn't have to see my mom struggle like this."
He added.

"Ayy you too young to be cursing!"
I chuckled trying to lighten the mood.

"Trust me, I seen everything. People round here don't care about age. I lost my innocence a while ago. Seeing people getting killed everyday, watching families getting torn apart."
He paused.
I glanced at him and he continued.

"Watching my mom struggle when she was trying to bring food to the table."
He finished.

"You know? Ya childhood is so much like mine."
I said.

"Everything you going through, I went through."
I said.

"Well not everything."
I added.

He looked up and smiled.

"Yeah.. sounds like you had a good relationship with ya pops."
He said.

"I did. I love my mom and my pops equally. Just because they split didn't mean that I was gonna hate one or the other."
I said as I pressed the garage door button from the car since we had made it to my crib.

"I wish I could say the same."
He said as he un-buckled his seat belt.

"You ever try to find out who he was?"
I asked out of curiosity.

"Not really. My mom still hurting from it and I don't wanna hurt her any more by asking who my father is."
He said.

"I'm curious though ... because when I find out.. imma go beat his ass."
He laughed.

He looked like the younger me. Brave. Ambitious. Curious. And..well.. handsome. (😭)

"Ay when you do find out, take me with you .. we'll both jump em together."
We both laughed.

"Let's go inside and I'll contact some people who can track down where your mom could be."
I said.

He nodded and walked inside.

We were sitting at the dinner table.

The girls were hiding in the living room closet because they didn't want to be seen.

"Dajha and Anaya, you do know we can see both of you right?"

Me and Sage laughed while I typed on my computer.

I had gotten to know Sage a little more since he came over here.

He's had a rough life and most of it is blamed on his dad, but he still had a good heart, he just didn't show it. He's hard on the outside but soft on the inside.

He told me his life plans and how he wanted to make Jillian happy and proud.

I look up a number on the computer and contact it.


The deep voice on the other end said.

"It's Woods, I need a favor."

I said, while getting up to go outside.

The deep voice on the other end clears his throat and starts to speak.

"Yes sir, how can I help you?"

He says, a lot more formal than how he greeted me.

"I need you to track someone down for me."

I said.

I heard shuffling in the background and after 30 seconds, I hear his voice again.

"Phone number?"

He asked.

"She don't got her phone on her."

After saying that, I realized I needed more information about her.

"I need some type of information about her."

He said, in coordinance with my thoughts.

"Yeah hold on I gotchu."

I said while walking back inside.

"Sage, you said ya mom took her car?"

I asked.


He looked up from his phone as he answered.

"You got the numbers to the license plate or sum?"

I asked while scratching my head.

"Um... i don't remember them but I prolly got pictures that got the car in the background or something."

He said while focusing his attention back on his phone as he scrolled through his gallery.


I stood there until he pulled up a picture of him and his mom hugging with the car in the background, showing the license plate clearly.

I read the numbers from the picture to the voice on the phone.

"Okay, I'll text you the information once it loads."

The voice said before I hung up.

I looked at the picture carefully and realized Jillian looked very very familiar.

hmm.. wonder why.


Heyyyyy! Thanks for all the love YOU have shown to this and my previous book! I really appreciate it and it definately motivates me to make better contact! Thank you sooooo much!!!

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