I Still Love You

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I walked into an apartment.

My apartment this place usually filled with married couples.

Not a fun place to live in.

The next week I went to Kousei's.

I told him I was sorry we made up.

Got back together giving it a second shot.

We held onto each other afraid to lose each other.

And a year later he proposed and I was happy.

I cried and kissed him that night.

So happy too happy.

And when he kissed me I knew this was who I was kissing for the rest of my life.

He was the only man I had ever made love to and he would be my last.

That night I fell asleep in his arms he kissed my cheek and held me close.

I kissed back and I knew what came next would change everything.


But the next day I came home. I was bubbly happy.

I picked up his phone as it rang.

"Oh Kousei-woasei I had such a great time last night. I can't believe we went that far in just a week I mean seriously you're everything to me." A girl giggled

I slammed the phone.

"Kaori?!" Kousei ran down the stairs

He saw the glass the look on my face.

"What the hell? What the hell?" He said

"Mind telling me about your mistress." I sighed

"What mistress?" He said

"Oh Ms. Meredith Vermilion." I sighed I knew the voice her and Watori were hot and heavy in college.

"Oh Kaori its not what you think." He said

"Mind explaining." I said

He explained the story. She came on to him they only made out once a week before we got back together.

"After you made love to me last night,you couldn't tell me that." I said

"I'm sorry." He said

I kissed him "I still love you."

Sincerely, MeWhere stories live. Discover now