Ooooff ..

7 1 0

My parents are fighting about shit 

Marriage, me, my brother, each other, house chores, my mother's attitude, her unreliable truck, how she has a problem, how he has a problem, family, how no one likes to be open around her compared to him, money, her having a job an him not, her not caring an doing as much for him as he's done for her an vise versa, other shit 

I hate it so fucking much 

But it's not about me an I haven't been dragged into it so I'm happy 

Even if I hate it 

I wish I could hug either of my cats, but one has mums over his mound in the backyard an the other's hiding from the fighting, an my dogs would be too scared to move out of their room 

So I'm stuck, but I've got my cat pillow an Wi-Fi 

I hope it ends soon, it's been going on for at least two hours 


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