Part Two - Autumn

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How are you, my beloved? Is New York just glorious? Is it everything you have ever dreamed of? I hope it is, far more than I have hoped for anything else in a very long time. I hope you have shacked up with a wild-haired, tattooed artist type in Bushwick, where you have to flicker the lights before entering a room in order to scare the roaches away. Isn’t that what the dream was? To be down and out and far, far away from Beauchamp?

Please do not worry about me this autumn. I am settling in to my new life at Oxford just fine – all those extra hours in Grandpa’s study over the years have prepared me well for the workload! I apologise for the lack of summer we shared this year – the stress of my impending university studies made me just a tiny bit fragile. A few weeks by the coast has done wonders for my state of mind.

Send me the most outrageously touristy trinket you can find!

Love, hugs


            My beautiful Sienna,

New York is just magical. But, no, there are no roaches in my apartment. Maybe they realised a Prescott was moving in and decided to make a hasty retreat.

I am still finding my footing here – it is so much larger than my memory led me to believe. I shall never again complain about the size of Beauchamp! At least we have never been lost there on the way for lunch.

            I so dearly hope you are doing well.


            Your Q



            Quinn, Oxford in the autumn is more glorious than you could ever imagine.

            It is sublime.

            I am spending my days surrounded by golden leaves and slight, misty rain.

Are the New York autumns as beautiful as our childhoods spent there? I am so glad you followed your heart to Brooklyn. You are a fantastic photographer, Q. You simply must pursue it. I will be forced to severely punish you if you do not win some fabulous artsy prize for your work!

I am so looking forward to Christmas at Beauchamp with the family. Please tell me you will be there! I simply will not be able to enjoy Christmas without you.

Sienna xxx



I would not miss Christmas at Beauchamp with you! Not for all the apple pie and pizza in New York City!

I’ve been working hard to collect some beautiful snaps for your scrapbook this year. I just know you will adore it!

            Have a hot chocolate for me? I so miss England.

            Quinn xx



Huxley – I am missing you so.

Are you looking after Asher for me? Is he being just terrible this year?

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