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The meaning of life is not who or what it's thing, what thing shall I do next, I don't know, maybe you know or possibly no one.
First of all people need to see what life truly is, see the beauty of it and put down the knife, put away the rope, the razor, the gun, etc. people need to realize the importance of life and not death. People need to know they're loved by someone but they don't know it. We all need to make a change before it's to late, tell the person you love that you love them, before... it's to late.

We all need to do things in life. Things that may seem unnecessary and things that may seem necessary. We all have done good, we all have done bad, there are many things that people have done to regret but also forgive. Some try to ask for forgiveness and some others try to hope they get it without trying, the second one I just said, what does it mean?

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