part one

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"Hi my name is y/n I'm 15 years old, I was born in and currently live in Los Angeles California and I'm 5'4" and I'm auditioning for the role of Allison Turner for season 3 of stranger things..." I said as I filmed my self tape to send to the Duffer Brothers in Atlanta, Gorigeia where they film the Netflix original show Stranger Things.

3 weeks earlier...

"Ring, ring, ring!!!" My phone sounded as my agent Jenny called me, I assumed it was about the commercial I auditioned for a couple of weeks back, but when I answered she started screaming so pound into the phone I couldn't even understand her.

"Okay. Hold on Jenny, what are you saying?!?!"

"So y/n I just received notice that the third season of Stranger this is soon to start production but before they do that they need to do casting for all of the new characters. I just got the character breakdowns and I think the character of Allison Turner would be perfect for you!!!" Said Jenny.

"Ohhh my gosh!!! Are you serious!!!?"

"Yup I will send you over the character breakdown and then you will have to send in a self tape."

"Okay!!! Sounds great" I said excitedly.

"MOMMMM DADDDD S/N!!!!!!" I yelled eager to tell my family the good news!!! ( a/n hi lol soo um s/n stands for sisters name you can use your actual sisters name or if you don't have a sister just make one up lol.)

Back to present day...

"Thank you so much for watching my audition tape and thank you for this opportunity" I said with smile as my mom turned off the camera and congratulated me on how good of a performance I just did. I was so excited, but nervous. I really wanted to get this role but I knew that there were so many other people going for the same role.

"Oh shoot!" I said as I remembered I had a voice lesson to go to. (I'm the story you do voice lessons and have an amazing voice, you also play many instruments which I will specify in this chapter or the next one.)

"Mom, could you drive to m voice lesson. I totally forgot about it?"

"Of course honey"

A/n hello to whoever is reading this. This is my first story ever and if you enjoyed this chapter than don't forget to add it to your reading list. I'm not the best writhed but I hope I can get better, anyways if you like this then give me a follow, if you want to lol, and I will hopefully be updating this story pretty frequently. Okayyyyy bye!!!!!

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