part two

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"It's been a a week and a half since I sent in my self tape and I still haven't heard anything from Jenny. I'm starting to get worried" I say to my best friend, bf/n as we sit in my room on my bed because she came over for a sleepover.

"I bet everything will be fine they probably just haven't watched your tape yet." Bf/n said.

She is also an actress and has been in a few things including small commercials and some small characters in a few movies but nothing big that's why she's not really famous.

"Ring, ring, ring!!" My phone went off, it was Jenny. I held my finger over my mouth and looked over at bf/n, gesturing for her to be quiet.

" Hey Jen , what's up?" I ask

"Heyy y/n soo I just got an email from the Duffer brothers saying that that had reviewed your tape and think you would be a great candidate for the role. They wasn't you to have an in-person audition, in Atlanta in two weeks."

"Ahhhhh that's great!!" I'll go tell my parents now!!"

"Actually I just talked with your mother about it and we set up a time and date for your flight out of LAX. Myself and your mother will both be accompanying you."

"Ohh ok great, I have to go but I'm really excited and I'll talk to you later, bye!!!" I said I as I hung up the phone.


"Omg y/n that's so awesome!!! When do you leave?!?!"

Oh no.... wait do you know what I just realized...

ooooooooo cliffhanger hahahahah jk you'll soon find out lol!!!

Also sorry this chapter was kinda short the next one will be longer

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