Glimmer X Reader (fem)

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Glimmer slammed the door to her room shut and teleported onto her bed.

her mom, yet again, had just sent her there.
but this time not because she had disobeyed her orders, not because she was being reckless and irresponsible, no. it was for a reason that pissed her off much more.

earlier that day, okay more like 30 minutes ago, Glimmer had slipped up and accidentally confessed to her relationship with (y/n) in front of her mother.

her mother, being the uptight perfect immortal person she is, "forbid" Glimmer from seeing (y/n) for any reason that was more than platonic.

it was not that she was against Glimmer being with a female, no wait it sort of was, but not in a way out of disgust and disapproval.

her reasons were along the lines of "what would the people of Bright Moon think?". it hurt Glimmer to think that her mother prized the people of Bright Moon's opinion over her own daughters feelings, which wasn't the way Angella intended for it to be, but it just came out like that.

but what hurt more is that she was "forbidden" from having a romantic relationship with (y/n), which also made her quite angry.

Glimmer thought back to the events from just a few moments ago.

"oh what? am i not allowed to fall in love? or make my own choices? are you supposed to decide who i fall for, mom?" Glimmer yelled angrily at Angella. she sighed.

"no, Glimmer, it's perfectly fine by me. but what would our people think? the kingdom? the whole of Etheria, Glimmer! you can't just leave our family's image behind for love."

Angella knew how awful she sounded right now. but she couldn't risk it.

Angella couldn't deal with this anymore. not right now. "Glimmer. go to your room".

Glimmer screamed angrily as drops of tears fell down her face as she fled up the stairs.

she teleported back down from her bed and started destroying everything in her room.
when she was angry it was just something she couldn't control.

she started blasting her furniture and punching her walls. she was making a mess but she didn't care. she needed to get it out of her system.

Glimmer finally fell in exhaustion after destroying pretty much her entire room and later with her head in her knees in the corner.

she sobbed to herself, allowing the tears to pour from her eyes.

"(y/n)..what will i do without you?". she couldn't imagine ruling Bright Moon in the future without
(y/n) beside her. she didn't want to. she needed her.

suddenly she heard banging on her window, making her jump. she looked over to see the beautiful face of
her one and only (y/n) trying to climb up.

Glimmer scrambled to stand up and open the window, pulling (y/n) in.

"hey, Princess!! so i-" (y/n) paused when she saw Glimmers tear stained cheeks and red eyes.

"Princess what happened?? are you alright?"

Glimmer couldn't help it. she started sobbing violently again, throwing herself into (y/n)'s warm embrace.

she was talking in between her hiccups and sobs telling (y/n) the previous events with her mother.

(y/n) was saddened to hear what Angella had to say about their relationship. but honestly she didn't care. so what if her mother disapproved? so what if Bright Moon and potentially all of Etheria would look down upon them for being in love?

what was this? 1778?
they didn't need Angella's or the entire worlds approval to be together. as long as they had each other they would be happy.

(y/n) rubbed up and down soothingly on Glimmers back shushing her lightly.

"'s gonna be alright okay?"

Glimmer nodded, still crying lightly.

"sorry about..your uh..shirt"
(y/n) noticed it was wet with Glimmers tears. she didn't really mind though.

(y/n) then noticed the state of Glimmers room.
"Glimmer what happened in here??"

Glimmer sheepishly scratched the back of her head.

"oh uh..i sort of destroyed everything with my powers and my fists to take out my anger...oops?"

(y/n) and Glimmer both burst out into light laughter.

"here, let me help you clean up"

Glimmer knew that her mother's words were not going to put a ban on her from seeing (y/n). she was going to be her second queen and Angella and the rest of Etheria better suck it up, because that wasn't gonna change.


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