Chapter One

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  • Dedicated to my friends

     It was just a normal Monday, same as always. I was in my house cooking for my father. It was what i always did, key word did. My father worked in a factory from six p.m. to seven p.m. Not exactly fun but it did pay good money. For us anyway. Money was hard to get at the time and most people lost their jobs. The thing that got me was how we were still living in a house by that time. When my father got home that day, it was a little different then usual. He wasn't hungry and he had news, big news for me. By the way, i'm Noami.

 "Father are you alright?" i asked. I turned off the stove and went over to him. We sat at the small dinning table that we had.

 "I am fine Noami. I am just got something to tell you." my father said. I waited for him to tell me, which for me was hard because i am impatient. "You remember my bo- old boss right?" he asked.

 "Miss Willford, of course." I told him.

 "Well she said that I could work for her again." When he said that my eyes lit up. "But you must go live with her, and be a servant."

 "Y-you didn't say yes did you?" I asked hoping he said no, even if she is rich.

 "I had told her yes Noami." I couldn't believe him! Even if he is my father.

 "B-but father, who will cook and clean? I am only seventeen, I would have to leave my school and my friends."

 "Noami, you will still go to school and their house is just four blocks away from us right now." He got up and got the tea I had made awhile ago today.

 "Fine father." I said as i got up and went to my room to pack. I hated the idea of living with someone I could live without.

 A few minutes later I came downstairs to find my father asleep on the small couch. He must have put the address on the table in the kitchen. I picked it up and started walking to the house/mansion. When i got to the address I slowly opened the gate and headed for the door. By the time I got to the door, I felt like i was being watched.

 When I got to the door I didn't even have time to knock on the door before a man opened it.

 "You must be Noami Henderson. Please come in." he said opening the door wide enough for me to get in. "I am sorry, we usually don't have visitors."

 "Oh, I am not a visitor. I work for Miss Wilford" I told him.

 "Really?" He seemed a little surprised. "I guess you will work for her son Anthony." he said as we walked up the stairs.

 "Anthony?" I asked. I didn't like the idea of working for a guy either. All i could do was mumble the words.

 "Yes, his room is beside yours Noami. Anthony will call for you when he needs you. You might want to see him after you unpack miss." He opened a door that i guess would be my room. "This will be your room. Over there is the bathroom and you also have one in your room. Your closet has some cloths in there for your work, night wear, and when you go out to get somethings."

 "Thank you, what is your name?" I asked

 "You may call me Clayton or Mr. Clayton. You must call Anthony Sir but never Sir Anthony. Got it?" Little confusing but I will figure it out. I nodded which was all I could do at the time. "Also, when he calls for you and you are needed you will say, 'At Your Service'  and only that." Then, he left.

 I sat on the bed and opened my suitcase. I took out all my things and put them were they now belonged. I noticed a bell on the wall by my new bed. I guessed it was to tell me if Sir needed me or needed something. I put my suitcase under the bed and went to Sir's room. (or what I thought was his room at the time)

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