Chapter 2: The Other World

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The other side of the portal was magical. I never imagined a place to be so beautiful and Earth itself was a beautiful place, but this, Delphi as the wolf called it, was at least 10 times more beautiful. It had the prettiest blue sky and waters you've ever seen, every kind of animal you could imagine were freely roaming around with their warlocks, yes, even dragons and fairies, flowers and beautiful trees everywhere and small little shops set up in a valley field.
"We should probably go back before someone notices you right now. You look very out of place dressed like that. No offense," the wolf chimed up.
I looked around at the other warlocks and looked at what I was wearing. The wolf was right. I stepped back into the portal to go back to earth. The wolf followed and closed the portal.
"That place, Delphi, was beautiful," I said.
"Indeed it is. That's your future home."
"Really? I don't wanna leave Earth," I told it.
"Don't worry, you'll finish out your high school life here. Next school year or after you graduate, whichever one you choose, will be when you go to Delphi," the wolf told me.
"What about Iris? And Bradley? And my "Earth" parents?"
"Isn't Iris going to Germany for school?"
"Well, she'll barely be around."
"And Bradley?"
"About that...." the wolf started.
"What?" I questioned sternly.
"Your father on Delphi really likes Bradley. He's considering some things but I don't know what they are," the wolf explained.
"Well if my father is going to make me break up with him, it's not happening."
"Fair enough. I like him too."
"What about Mom and Dad?"
"They're aware you're a warlock. Your Delphinian parents chose them to raise you and take you in as their own."
"And when were they going to tell me this?"
"Today. They know about our meeting and they know you're going to have questions."
"So what do I do?"
"Don't pressure yourself. You have plenty of time. If you'd like, I can talk to your father and see if I can arrange for you to come back here for holidays and maybe most of the summer."
"You'd do that?"
"Of course. You are my owner after all. I was born the same day you were. We're the same age. Except us warlock wolves are born to know all the warlock commands and have a special task for our lives. Mine was to watch over you here then proceed on to help you in your warlock life."
"Oh, what should I call you?"
"Nice to meet you Phoenix," I said and petted her head.
"Here's how to call me. Just walk into the woods and go to your first kiss tree and say these words. I have things to discuss with your father," she said and handed me a piece of paper.
I took it and put it in my pocket. I pet her head again and watched her disappear into the woods. So this was my new life now. Welcome to the Warlock Life, Jenny Sparrow.

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