Now, I'm not a mean person. I promise haha! Well, I can be. But basically, I don't take shit from anyone and I tell it how it is...that does not necessarily equal a good retail worker.

I could not handle customers anymore.

One of my coworkers (who actually got me my new job) would always tell me that she wished she could be more like me, and not take shit from customers.

I wanted to be more like her because she could always smile and fake it and make everyone happy.

Not me! lol.

So the depression had basically ruined the job for me. And my medication didn't make me a little happy worker that smiled and wanted to please everyone.

I hated that job. Hated it more than anything.

I hated my boss too.

Last February, when he told me that I couldn't work the hours that I wanted to while I went to school, I decided I'd had enough.

I quit.

Put in my two weeks notice and that was that.

I left, which was like the biggest relief ever.

But the next trouble was finding a new job.

I applied to a bunch of places. But I think people see "bead store" on your resume and nothing else and go wtf? Even though I had been there over five years. I just don't think people liked it very much.

My coworker/friend, who had quit over a year before I did, said she might have a job for me with the jewelry designer she'd been working for for years. It had always been a side job for her, but it had seemed cool.

I was excited to get this job because I could actually put my knowledge of jewelry to use. haha! I have so much useless knowledge from working at a bead store for five years. I never thought I would get to use it again.

But I was really excited when she hired me because that meant it wasn't a total waste!

I make jewelry for her when she needs it and a lot of times I can do it from home which is really nice.

It's the perfect job while I'm in college because there's no concrete hours and she's really relaxed so if I say that I can't come in a certain day then she has no problem at all.

I have no complaints whatsoever.

She travels all over the country to do art shows and stuff, so I watch the animals when that happens—if her boyfriend and his daughter won't be here either. Like now they're in LA for some soccer tournament for her boyfriend's daughter.

So I just hang out at her house with the animals.

I love animals though, so it's really not that bad. I just don't sleep well here and then when I do fall asleep I don't want to wake up in the morning and do a bunch of stuff haha!

But I shouldn't complain, because I am really lucky. lol.

I also get grossed out because I have to feed them the nastiest food. Like oh god. That's my least favorite part. If I didn't have to do that then this job would probably be perfect. It's disgusting. I promise I'm not over exaggerating. If you guys saw it or smelled it, you would understand.

I talked to my coworker about this and she said she couldn't eat food here because it grossed her out so much and I was like oh my god, me too! Haha!

I eat out a lot normally, but more so when I'm staying here.

If you haven't noticed, my characters eat out for a lot of meals and that's because that's what I do haha! I would much rather go to a restaurant then eat at home. Is that weird? Or is anyone else like that?

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