Good Morning Anne

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        It was a very autumn morning in October, when Anne Shirley Cuthbert ran out of green gables in the most happiest mood.
        "Anne", Marilla call after her from the door. "You forgot your coat." She unfortunately was to late, for Anne was already at the gate and just out of reach of hearing Marilla.
       The sun was just peaking out of the trees as Anne  arrived at the Barry's mansion. She approached the front door getting ready to knock when she heard yelling from inside. She knocked three times before the door opened revealing Mary Joe.
        "Hello Anne, how do you do?", she greeted, letting Anne in. "Diana will be down in a minute", she added walking to the kitchen, leaving Anne standing alone in the parlor.
What could be taking Diana so long Anne thought where going to be late for school.
       Just as Anne was deciding on leaving to walk alone, Diana appeared on the staircase.
        "Anne sorry I took so long Minnie May was slow getting ready this morning and mother wanted me to help her and I tried explaining you were coming but she wouldn't listen- are you okay? usually your the one rambling"
       " Oh of course I'm okay dearest Diana, I was just thinking, I also did not get as much sleep last night so that's probably the reason I seemed off", she told her friend.
         The two kindred spirits walked out the door and started the walk to school. When they approached the woods Diana decided to ask something she had been thinking about since she first saw her that morning.
       "Anne were you thinking about a certain someone this morning?" She asked gently not wanting to upset her.
        "Whatever do you mean Di?, if you must know I was thinking of what Miss Stacy has planned for today" she lied.
         Being her best friend Diana noticed when she lied. She decide to press her more on the subject. "You know I did she Gilbert looking your way yesterday when you were reciting from Jane Eyre" she said with a grin. Anne didn't say anything but Diana did notice her eyes widened when she mentioned his name.
          When they reached the schoolhouse the two fifteen year old girls noticed the crowd was small today. Anne however noticed a boy with brunette hair entering the door a few feet away.
          "Diana could you put my milk away, I need to talk to Miss Stacy about an assignment?" She asked her friend. Diana agreed and took her basket with her own and walked toward Ruby and the girls.
         Anne noticed she was shaking as she reached her desk. She also noticed a certain someone's eyes on her as she moved. She looked around for Miss Stacy. Once she realized she hadn't arrived yet she took out her copy of Pride and Prejudice and began to read, about fifteen minutes of reading she heard someone come up to her. She looked to her right to find Gilbert Blythe standing right in front of her. A blush spread across her cheeks as she made eye contact with her.
       " Good morning Anne, Mary wanted to me to give this to you" Gilbert spoke, handing Anne a book. He also has a hint of pink creeping on him as he watched his hands meet hers. When she put the book down on her desk, he began to speak again. "She also wanted to see you soon, she said something about a cooking lesson". He added in a tone that applied that she knew what he was saying.
      "Yes, of course. I could come by today. I must thank her as well". She said with a smile.
        "We could walk together to my house after school" he said hopefully then realized she might want to go home first or might not want to walk with him. "Unless you don't want too", he added respectfully.
        "I would love too, I was suppose to walk home with Diana today since she isn't going to queens next year we're trying to spend as much time together but I'm sure she won't mind".
        "Are you sure she won't mine, I don't wa—
          "She won't mind" Anne interrupted him smiling. She saw that Miss Stacy had arrived and knew she had to talk to her but she couldn't leave Gilbert. She secretly liked talking to him more than the girls. She liked how she could talk to him about anything.
         After several minutes of intense eye contact the school bell rang. And the two quickly looked away from each other.
         "I'll see later", Gilbert said quietly clenching his jaw. Anne nodded and he walked back to his desk. He wasn't offended when she didn't say anything back, he knew she didn't like being gossiped about. Especially if Ruby saw him taking to her. Gilbert always knew she had a crush on him and he did take notice of the attention he had caused when he had walked with Anne his first day back in Avonlea. He turned to look at Anne and saw she was already looking at him. They both smiled at each other before the rest of the class filled the empty seats.
          "Alright students, today we'll begin with Hamlet, open your readers to page 52".
          Anne knew that today was going to be interesting.

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