Ch 16 {Sara meets U. Seong}

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*Sara moves on to U. Seong {the leader of the group}*

U. Seong: *already impressed seeing Sara bowing & greeting them in Korean* Annyeonghaseo!! 😄😄

Sara: *immediately bows down to U. Seong* Annyeonghaseo sir!!! 😳🤪😅😄

U. Seong: hmm.. huh?! 😅

Sara: 😳 I mean.. Monsieur?! 😅🤪

U. Seong: French? 😅

Sara: 😳😳 oops! Yes.. 😅😳 sorry.. 😅

U. Seong: 😄 Wow! Good! 👍

Sara: Thank you U. Seong.. 🙈😍💖💜

U. Seong: *laughs* 😂👍

Sara: *laughs*

*Sara takes the album from U. Seong & goes further*

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