Chapter 4

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Right after you got up you went to check on Stacy.
She was still asleep but you could clearly see the dried tears on her cheeks.

You saw her Phone blinking with multiple messages from one guy.

'Come on, Sweetie come back to me'
'I love you'
'Please meet me after work in the park'

This must be him.
You made the plan to go there after school and show this guy not to mess with her.
You were beyond angry.
You might have trouble to stand up for yourself but if it comes to your friends you would walk through fire.

But your little plan had to wait until school was finished.
While walking to school you mentally prepared yourself to use your Quirk to the limit again while training with Shouto but to you it was more fun than sitting in your chair and listening to the teacher.

You got so lost in your thoughts you didn't notice an certain person tapping you on your shoulder, trying to get your attention.

"Oi! Get your head out of the clouds I am trying to talk to you" a familiar annoyed voice popped your little thought bubble.

"What is it?" You tried to sound friendly, not like it was helping calming his temper though.
"I was going to ask you why you keep carying this notebook with you"

"None of your business"you replied coldly, you were still angry from the situation last evening and couldn't wait to kick some ass.

He seemed a bit irritated by your sudden change of demeanor but shrugged it off almost immediately.

"Tch. Don't you dare talk to me like that" he spat and stared at you.

"Just walk away, no one if forcing you to walk with me. I was important ass-kicking to attend to today and I don't want anyone pissing me off now" yourself was shocked by your sudden courage and talking to this angry boy like that and didn't want to deal with a explosion on your face or something like that.

Bakugo was startled and just blankly looked at you in shock.
He wasn't aware you could speak up like that.
But he could say

He was definitely liking it

"Sorry, I am just a little...I- I am... T-talk - ...see you later" you stuttered and rushed off to school after the most akward conversation of your entire life.

You sat down in class, waiting for you teacher to come in and avoiding eye contact with Bakugo.

Luckily, soon Aizawa came in and you could change into your Hero Costume and go train with Shouto for the battle next day.

Today you could practice with robot-like training dummies to prepare yourself in more realistic fighting and get ready for a real battle tomorrow.

Shouto and you defeated the dummies with ease.
He would produce ice and freeze them where they stand while producing more for you to sweep them off their feet and defeating them completely.
You wish you had the strength to already move a whole Person. The real battle won't be as easy like with the dummies.

You shot a scared glance at your training classmates.

Deku punching one of them in the face, Sero taping one of them against a nearby wall and Bakugo sending an explosion to the dummie.

Oh boy, You certainly didn't want to fight against him.

As soon as training was over you took a glance at the clock and rushed to change and quickly run to the area you waited the whole day to go.
You quickly waved Shouto and the others goodbye and exited the School.

And there, standing in the park by himself, was the guy standing.
You only saw him on pictures and you instantly recognized him.

His Hair was slicked back messily, he was tall and wore huge sunglasses.
With his hands in his pockets he was tapping his feet impatiently on the ground.

You stomped over to him and pulled him in a more secluded area.

"Hey Hey, what are you doing?" He asked you while suspiciously checking you out.

"First of: my face is up here. Second of all; Don't even talk to me. Do you really think you could mess with Stacy without getting in trouble huh?"

"What? I didn-!"

"Don't. Talk. To. Me. Youve done enough already. Sleep your way though with those chicks you have and leave her alone she deserves someone so much better and not such an asshole like you, do you understand me? I can't believe how you could betray such a beautiful Girl who really loved and cared about you."

You were about to walk away when you turned around again and slapped him across the face.

"This was for hurting my sister"

This was the first time calling her sister infront of anybody and it felt right, after all she had done for you and you had done for her you really were like sisters.
You smiled yourself while you walked away and back home.


When you opened the door and walked in, you kicked your shoes off and saw Stacy in the kitchen playing with a spoon in her hands while spacing out.
When she noticed you walking in she curiously asked
"Where have you been?"

"I slapped your ex across the face and told him not to mess with my sister" you spoke, hoping she wouldn't get mad for you stepping in.
But instead, she started tearing up and hugging you like there was no tomorrow.
"Thank you so much, I wouldn't know what I would do without you"
She smiled and wiped off her tears


The next morning was like normal, of course Stacy was still sad about what happened but she didn't cry about it.

You instead were very nervous on your way to school about the upcoming battle today.
You played some relaxing music in your earphones and no one wanted to talk to you the way to school so you could walk to school on piece whole still thinking about the upcoming events of the day.

As soon as you entered the building Deku greeted you and asked you if you were as nervous as he was.

"You can say so, I am really nervous.."
"I think you can do it (Y/N)! You are really strong and smart, and you have Todoroki by your side"

His encouraging words made you smile and feel a little bit nervous.

But the nervousness came back at fill force as soon as you stepped out on the field.
The field was huge and empty with a few benches on the side for people to watch.

Everyone came in at different times and went to their partners to warm up and talk about their strategies.
This warm up time lasted for a few Minutes when Aizawa was going to announce the two teams.

"So... First team on my list.. is Team Sero & Denki against Momo and Kyouka"

Both of their teams went into position and when Aizawa yelled start, Sero wrapped his tape around Momo, preventing her from using her quirk properly.
Meanwhile, Denki was using his Quirk to much, turning in his 'Idiot-Phase', allowing Kyouka to get the upper hand.
She was pinning Denki to the ground with him unable to move, but Seros Tape flew at her, pinning her against the floor.
Both of them couldn't move so, Team Sero & Denki won.

They went back to the rest of the class and everyone looked at Aizawa when he announced the next Pair of Teams.

"Team Shouto & (Y/N) against Tenya and...


Sorry for the long wait but school is being a total b**** and yeahhh but I hope you liked this chapter and I deeply apologise for the spelling mistakes. & If this seemed rushed.

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