Chapter 25: Getting Captured was NOT Part of the Agenda...

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   Mandalorian armor is lightsaber resistant. I knew that. But I did have two Jedi friends with me, so I'm gonna need to do better then that. We needed to create a distraction and escape. Quick. 

    "The starship is secure, sir." The helmet voice outside said. Kriff, they have our ship.

    Thinking quickly, I prepared to try and force-throw something at the death watch members, and by the sound of the packs, I guessed there were about five of them.

    "Let them take us." Dantra whispered, and Lyda nodded.

    "Are you crazy?!?" I whisper-yelled. 

    "No. They obviously know where Maul is - if you're right -  and so we can let them take us to the encampment where the civilians are being held, get away, take a look around, and-" then Dantra saw my face. "You aren't seriously thinking about fighting Maul, are you?"

    I shrugged.

    "You're the crazy one! He's a SITH LORD!" Dantra sighed. "I thought we were just scouting around to get some evidence to convince the council to send some help!" 

    I rolled my eyes. "Well, I was kinda-"

    "Shhhh!" Lyda put her finger to her lips, and Dantra nodded before they both walked out. 

   I was shocked! What the kriff are they thinking?!?! 

   I listen as the death watch warriors swoop down and begin firing at the two Padawans. They which out their lightsabers and begin diflecting the stun bolts. "We got some Jedi!" One warrior called with glee.

   But Lyda is hit, then Dantra. And as soon as both girls are lying on the ground, the leader takes the lightsabers from their hands. "Lord Maul will appreciate these." He growls.

    I back farther into the home. But a death watch members lands, and begins a heat scan. He locates me quickly. Approaching, I shove my lightsaber out of view, and I put my hands up. 

    He sees me, and points his stun gun.

    "I'll go peacefully." I offer. "I'm no Jedi."

    "Hey boss... Come here." He calls. The leader lands, and stalks over. They look at me through their dark visors. "You think it's her?" He referenced toward me with the blaster.

    "Yeah. Lord Maul'l love 'er. Bring 'er in." He slurs. Snatching the blaster from his soldier's hand, he fires it, and knocks me out.


    When I come back to consciousness, Im bound and chained to a post. I squinted my eyes, and i can see Dantra to my left, in the middle between me and Lyda, who was still unconscious. The sun has started to set, the golden beams piercing through our eyelids. We're standing, and can barely move, or hands chained high above our heads. We're in a market square, but it's mostly empty, besides a couple guards. 

    I listen closely to the death watch member's conversation. "Yeah. The duchess's brat over there, that one." They said. I strained against the cuffs around my wrists. My hair blew in my face,  irritating me. I rub my face against my tunic, clearing the wispy strands from my eyes.

   The guard who was listening to the other one trash talk my mom asked, "so, if that's Kryze's girl, what's she to us?"

    I didn't like his tone.

    "Ransom." The other growled. A cold presence filled the clearing. 

    Maul was here.

    "Wrong." Maul rasped. "She, and her Jedi friends are mine, and will be used for my revenge." Maul growled. I could hear him, walking behind the poles that the three of us us were tied to. 

    "Younglings..." Maul hissed. "You are taught to ignore fear. But..." He stepped into my peripheral vision. "Did you know that fear can make you stronger?" 

   Dantra and I both knew he was speaking of the dark side. 

   "Wake the other one up!" Maul commanded. A death watch member retrieved a bucket, and sloshed the cold water up into Lyda's face. The tholothian sputtered awake. 

    "As I was saying, you have no hope. Obviously you cannot escape, so why try?" Maul stepped over to Lyda, and used the force to stop her from struggling against the chains. Lyda froze, stuck in place. "And you..." He turned to me, "simply delayed my conquest for revenge." Maul growled. "Kenobi will pay."

   Maul paused, and looked toward the sunset, "I've waited for this day for years."

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