Emir came home.Muygan was worried that he hadn't told her or didn't answer her.

"Finally son, where you been?I called you."

"Sorry mother."

"Well.where have you been?I wanted to tell something that would make you very happy.Zeynep's not married."

"I know, she told me herself."

"But, you aren't happy?"

"Yeah, but I'm disappointed with her."

"Why, what happened?"

"She concerned my son."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about mom.Everything will be okay.Tomorrow I will get custody of him.Then I I'll be his official father."

"I'm pleased son."

"Thank you mom."

Next day everyone went to court.Everyone was eagerly waiting for what the judge would say...After 14 minutes of speech.

"According to the latest findings,we found that Emir Kozlouğlu can't have custody because he isn't his official father."

Emir became sad.

"A DNA test will be required."

In a few minutes.Vilan called Alexander Bakalar.

"Yes say sir."

"Well done, your next task will be that the DNA test will not be positive."

"Yes sir "

In the meantime Ferime, which was also here ,she wondered what was happening.Emir escorted Zeynep to her home.

"Come in."She invited him to the house.He entered in house.

"Thank you for supporting me, little one."

Then they kissed with a passion.

"I'm a canibal, little one.I'll eat you."

"I'm scared help me."She said with a laugh.

After a few minutes they were already in bed.They make love all the night.

"You would come back to live with me again?"

"I don't know if I want to live somewhere else for example here.You don't want to?"She was worried.

"I don't care where we live,if we are together."

Zeynep became happy and satisfied.She kissed Emir.

"When did you change that,love?"

"You don't like being a better man, little one?"

"I'm very happy and proud of you."

He kissed her check.

"I love you my little one.I love you so much.You know I can't be without you and son.

She was very happy.She went to see her son and returned to bed back to Emir.Emir came.He was watching her son to sleep.

"Can I help?"He asked

"It's not necessary.I can take care of him.Go back to bed'I'll come right away as soon as he's asleep."

"How long it usually takes to sleep?"

"Depending on the decision of the mood.Only 23 minutes, secondly a little less."

"But today,otherwise I'll take care of him.You go to bed."

"But,but.."she was worried

"Nothing but, I'll take care of him.You go to rest,my little one."

She left the room.

"Let's see what we have here."he spoke to his son and showed him a fine elephant.Tarık Akan was asleep in 13 minutes.Emir looked at him and put him in the crib.He left his son and went to bed.Zeynep almost fell asleep.He approached her and gave her some of her hair behind her ear.She felt something screaming and woke up.

"Emir you're back, you are sleeping fast our son.I usually need more time."

"It looks like he needed a man's hand to fall asleep."

"At Vilan he also fell asleep right away."

"Shh, don't talk.I don't like when you say his name."He looked in the floor.

"You're jealous?Dear"

"I'm very, you're just mine,you understand, little one?"

"Show me to understand."

With his whole heart he kissed her.At night they slept by each other.He had his hand over her.

It was morning.Emir first wake up.He went to see his son.He slept.He went back to the room.Zeynep still asleep.He watched her and gave her a lousy kiss on her forehead.She woke up.

"Good morning, little one."

"Morning, Doesn't go to work?"

"In my service,I'm the boss."

"What will you be doing today?You know you have to do a DNA test?"

"I know, little one."

"Make it today."

After 27 minutes,they were all over.

"The results will be in a few days."The doctor told them.

Vilan's helpers from Russia called him and told him what the situation was.Igor Putin told him that Emir was passed the DNA test.

"Make sure the wrong results."He ordered and interrupted the call.

While Asu returned from Berlin.Her new boyfriend come with her.She decided to introduce her boyfriend to her family.She first visited her father,who was behind the lock.

"Galip Kozlouğlu you have a visit."said the guard.Galip was surprised.He didn't know who came until he saw his daughter.

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