Great day will come when you can give your heart

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Fehime was so surprised and she run to find a gun.
She didn't find a gun and she take a knife.
"What you're saying fucking pig"
Zeynep have tears in her eyes.She left the party and Nihan with her.
"Calm down old which.If you kill me you went to prison."
"Really good idea."She said.
In that moment knife fall on the floor."
"Call the police"Said Vildan.
In the same place Nihan and Zeynep are talking about Ozan.
"I know Zeynep you never loved my brother and I forgive you."

"Thank you I am so glad to hear that"
Zeynep and Nihan hugged and kissed check to say goodbye.

In the Soydere's place:
"Old lady you will come with us"said a police man.
Hüseyin was so surprised of all of this.
Kemal and Tarik consulate him.
Hüseyin had eyes red of tears.
Emir left the party and goes to find Zeynep.
When he find Zeynep he was surprised.She have call by telefon.
"Time to end of call little one"


"Yes little one it's over."

Emir pulled her phone of her hand.

"What you doing with my phone give me back"

"Who is Ecrs?You have something with him?"

"It's not important this is my life and can do everything what I want"

"You're my wife"

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