Liang x reader vampire ( fixed )

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      My name is Y/n L/n I am 1900 years old because I am a vampire I was arrested for Murder as you can guess some caught me after I was drinking someone's blood.  The guards said that I was getting transferred to NANBA prison for how "dangerous I am," I mean I'm cute as button how am I dangerous.   

Time skip *brought to by Samon beating up Inori for being a lazy*
       Today I'm going to NANBA it is going to be scary because I'm the only girl in the prison.

Time skip to cell 8

I was done following the monkey guy around we got to my cell and I see 3 guys one laying down, one meditating, and one that caught my eye was exercising they were in their own little world so I just took a nap because it took a long time getting here and I stayed up all day.

Time skip because I'm lazy

Me and Liang have been hanging out a lot and he knows I'm a vampire I think he is my mate because every time I'm around him my heart beats fast and I start blushing. So one day Liang and I were hanging out at the training area he came up to me and said " Would you like to be my girlfriend," " yes, yes, yes, and yes,"

Sorry if it took to long I couldn't think of anything and schoolwork had to be done to raise my grade from a C+ to a B
- Taekookie

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2019 ⏰

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