Amelia Goodman (BATIM)

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Name: Amelia Goodman.

Nicknames: Amy.

Gender: Female.

Sexuality: Bisexual.

Species: Human.

Appearance: Amelia has long dark brown hair that is often in curls or a tight bun, with bright green eyes. Her skin is fairly tanned and she has an average height to her, with freckles on her face.

Personality: Amelia is more on the shy side, and does what she can to keep her name cleared. She easily gets anxious and can violently cry when disturbed or afraid. She is soft spoken and is pessimistic, keeping everything to herself. She easily gets attached to people and has a hard time leaving. She always tries to see the good in everything, and does her best to keep the other workers happy and content.

Outfit: Amelia wears a simple beige dress with white socks that reach her knees, and black flats. She wears thick black glasses and a golden necklace.

Likes: Amelia enjoys watching the cartoons quite a lot, and often claps along to Sammy's songs. Her favorite food is either fruit salad or vanilla ice cream, with her favorite drink being either coffee or hot chocolate. Her favorite character from the show is Hazel the Squirrel, which was highly expected.

Dislikes: Amelia doesn't like it when the workers fight with each other, and she especially didn't like the silent warfare between Susie Campbell and Allison Pendle. She, like most of the other workers, was sad when Henry had left the studio. She immediately rejected the idea of the rituals and Ink Machine, but was forced into the process anyway.

Career: Amelia started working at Joey Drew Studios as a scriptwriter for the episodes, but was later changed to a voice actress-- the voice actress of Hazel the Squirrel.

Abilities: Yeet, she has no abilities other than voice acting.

Crush: Amelia didn't really have crushes on any of the workers, except maybe Sammy. Maybe.

Role: Amelia didn't have much of a role in the storyline of the game, only a single audio recording that can be found in Sammy's Sanctuary in Chapter 2. In the audio recording, she mentions a rumor of Allison Pendle, and gives more insight about the music department.

Death: Like many of the other workers, Amelia was forced into the rituals by Joey Drew, the owner of the studio and the cartoons. She was killed and put into the Ink Machine, and then came out as a living version of Hazel the Squirrel, but with no memories of life as a human.

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