My feelings on brackets... (spoiler alert: they're negative)

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Alright. I am not a fan of writers using brackets. Mainly because I find a lot of people over use them, use them when they don't need to or use brackets and ruin the tone. To me brackets, feel informal and so when a writer is building up a tense paragraph and then used brackets, it sort of ruins it for me.
Alas! Unlike the Romantacists, I do actually have an solution as well as the problem (that was an A-level English joke btw). I am going to teach you- my dear reader- about other ways you can put a parenthesis or aside into your text, but there are some questions you need to ask yourself when writing.

Do I need to add an aside?
By an aside I mean a thought or question or something that may seem random or unintentional or nothing to do with what's going on. Any aside needs to add somethig to the story such as in the poem The Flea where the writer puts in an aside "though parents grudge, and you, w'are met" this is a clever move as it clearly shows the reader that the tone of this poem is lighthearted.
An aside can make what somebody says or think, funny, insincere or even angry but should be used to enhance or slip the reader and/or characters information.
"I refuse!" Cried the old merchant "I will not sell to any of you! I have a right to refuse service to anybody- besides the last lot who asked..."
"The last lot?" Questioned Alice "there has been others?"

Question two: What parenthesis do I use?
There are actually many parenthestic tools, more than mere brackets I can assure you. You can use hyphens which -in my opinion- are much better for tense writing, 3rd person narration; speech. To me they have a more formal feel and rely information better, I think that brackets work better for opinions and inner thoughts. 
There are also parenthetic commas, kind of like a clause, that give the same effect as well. The only problem is, again in my opinion, is that I find I tend to ignore commas when reading (and sometimes writing too) and they don't make me stop and take notice as much as brackets and hyphens. That isn't to say don't use them but commas aren't necessarily the most dramatic of all punctuation.

That is my advice. Sorry I forgot about this book for, like, three years although I doubt any of you were particularly disappointed. I would like to point out that this is my most successful book reads and votes wise (I'm pretty certain) and i just abandoned it. Wow. Please comment if you would like me to write about any other topics on writing and you can check out my attempts and stories and writing on my profile. Thanks bye- Nate_the_(three years)_Late

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