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In the Avengers Tower, previously Stark Towers, lived The Avengers! And Bucky. A group of individuals who help fight crime n' shit.

But, sadly, the Team functioned like a Chair from Ikea without the instructions; very badly.

Proof of this is: The "Civil War" between Steve and Tony, Ultron, The Chituari, And some more..

➖➕Present Time➕➖

The Avengers had just gotten back from a mission, it was against some freakishly ugly creatures. They were mentioning something about a Portal...

But it was supposed to be a stealth mission, but Stark had decided that wasn't good, he just made that decision as if he OWNED the place.

This screwed the whole thing over, meaning they heard less information, they never took out the portal, and most of all, some Avengers got hurt. Like worse then just a scratch.

Steve was not happy, much less Fury...

Currently, Steve was pacing back and forth, Bruce was making a sandwich, Nat and Clint were glaring daggers at Tony. And Tony was resting upside down on the couch

As for Bucky, he was peacefully sitting down on the couch. Glancing at Tony from time to time.

Tony looked at Steve, "What's wrong Capsicle?" He asked, knowing completely what was wrong. "What's wrong? What's Wrong?! Tony! You made us fail the mission!" He replied, clearly mad.

"Look, Cap, if they got the Portal they would've unleashed something dangerous. Maybe something We couldn't deal with, I had to postpone them, it was the only safe option!" Tony replied, now standing up.

"But now we barely know what they're unleashing! They're probably able to do it now knowing we are gone!" Steve said, towering over Tony.

"You see, this is your problem Tony! You're always messing things up or causing trouble! You're barely hero material, I don't know what Fury, or anyone, see's in you." Steve growled, towering over Tony,

"You cause trouble too, you aren't perfect, Princess! Remember the "civil war"? How you caused so much damage and claimed I was tearing the Team apart? Remember when you also defied 117 nations?" Tony spat, taking a step back from the Captain who was towering him.

"And remember when you didn't tell me who killed my Mom and didn't expect me to act angrily? Remember in Siberia when you smashed your shield into my chest?"

"Remember when YOU created ULTRON?! The mass murder bot? That killed hundreds, of not thousands of people? Everything you do causes trouble, Stark. And you're only doing this for yourself." Steve angrily replied.

Tony held back a tear, was he really brining up Ultron? He was manipulated into helping do so. If he had known that his creation would be a horrible thing that would kill he would never of made it.

"He does have a point Stark. You did make Ultron, and make the whole Accords situation a big mess." Natasha said "I did? I did?! Steve couldn't even meet in the middle with me!" Tony replied

"Nat is right," Clint said, at this point Tony was cornered "You can never do anything right. And when you do it ends up doing bad." Clint said,

"You're barely Hero material Stark." Steve said, towering over Tony. Tony shed 1 tear, just 1. "Fine, if you guys think I'm barely fit to be a Hero, then so be it, but when you fuckers need my help don't expect me to even acknowledge your existence." Tony said

He pushed Steve off of him, going to the Elevator mumbling something about a shitty team and going to a bar, he pushed the button and off he went.

➖➕Time Skip➕➖

Tony was flying in his Iron Man Suit, mark 42, currently. Pissed off at his team, the nerve of them, are they brain dead? Is this a universe where War Criminal 1940's jerkface is always correct? Probably is.

He looked down to see the same spot where the Portal and ugly monsters were, yeah...fighting them will be a great way to release Stress and do good.

Tony flew down, quickly directing at the Portal. Once he was above the building he then, softly flew down. Alerting the 5 creatures actually there.

"Hey, I think we got off on the wrong foot earlier, I'm Tony Stark, and If you dare try to use this portal I will, smash your fucking head in a tub of acid, are we clear?" He said, holding his hand out for the alien things to shake it.

"Tony Stark? Oh, this is good, you know..your other half is very great at what he does, y'know, Stark you- " But before the Alien could finish a bright beam of red blinded Tony, and anyone in a 5 mile radius.

"Argh!" Tony groaned, in agonizing pain, slowly, Tony's "other half" was forced out of the Portal, and Tony was sucked in.

"Ah, Elysian, or Tony Stark, just the Bytiye we wanted to see." One alien said, kicking Elysian, or Tony, Elysian was wearing a white cyan ish chest plate, that really only covered his nipples.

He also had 2 triangular ear pieces, with cyan streaks in it, and completely cyan Shining eyes. Iris and Sclera. He also had some armor on his leg with cyan patterns.

One was shorter then the other, and the same for his arm, he also had some short armor covering his lower area (above the legs) he also had an Arc reactor in his chest. On the chest plate there were 3 arrows faced down.

Tony stood up, "Elysian, oh Elysian-" but before the alien could finish they were met with a punch to the face, soon Tony had defeated all the aliens in a span of 2 minutes.

When Tony was done, he saw the Portal, which was destroyed into 3 large pieces. "Shit." Tony mumbled, his feet were lightly placed onto the ground, with an arched spine, straight neck, and square shoulders.

He grabbed a piece of the Portal, red sparks and zaps emerged. "Ok, the technology has enough power to keep the portal open, that's good, the bad part is rebuilding it." Tony mumbled, collecting all the pieces.


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